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A/N: This is a long one. Not sorry.

A Few Months Later

"Kokichi!" I turned around to see Chiasa wheeling her wheelchair over like a maniac "finally...your really a hard guys to I have been searching for the past...five minutes" I raised an eyebrow "really...your making a big deal for me being gone for five minutes...?" Chiasa groaned "time is of the essence when I could have been planning on how I am going to take over the world" I rolled my eyes at that one, "how are we going to do that Ms Supreme Leader" she seemed to think a bit.

"Well...I need you guys to come over to my house today, cause I got something fun planned" I groaned "don't tell me you tried cooking again?" last week Chiasa dragged us into her home and force fed us sushi. She somehow burned it, problem is she didn't even make the rice and sushi is a COLD dish. She grinned "I wish, I have been banned from the kitchen by Kazue till the day I die" I sighed "The world is saved" she glared at me "come on I'm not that bad! But no it isn't me giving you any of my AMAZING food" she started speeding away "it's going to be a surprise trust me!" oh boy what's she got planned this time...

"Hey Kokichi! Saihara was looking for you" Takashiro yelled when I got into the meeting area "Saihara?" I felt myself blush, for three months I had been hanging out with Saihara whenever I could get a break from my parents and when Chiasa hadn't dragged me off to be a test subject for her cooking or whatever weird activity she had planned. Nao grinned "You know he's here a lot ain't hiding anything from us right...?" I blushed even harder "were just friends." Tsuki grinned "you sure Kokichi....?" I nodded "Saihara probably isn't into that..." Chiasa did an over exaggerated gasp "so you FINALLY admitted it?" I groaned.

"That was the biggest mistake you could have ever made Kokichi, never tell Chiasa if you have a crush for she will force it to happen" Genkei told me to some of the groups laughter "HEY!" Chiasa screeched turning to Kazue "attack them my knight in shining armor!" he rolled his eyes, "you used to do that to me in elementary school these guys are lucky they met you in junior high and so on" she grinned "yet it took you four thousand years to join us and confess your undying for me" Kazue decided to look away.

"ANYWAY getting back on topic, all of you have to come to my house today" Riko groaned "don't tell me it's more sushi...last time we nearly had to take Takara to the hospital..." Takara winced at the memory "You've been eating though...right?" Genkei asked him and Takara looked down on the ground "Chiasa make a bunch of food got it? Even if it tastes horrible I will shove it down this guy's throat!" Chiasa grinned a bit as Takara moaned "ok, I'll eat when I get home just not THAT" Genkei smirked "ok but you better keep your word" Riko smiled "so this is what you meant about confessing their love Eiji?" and that was the statement that killed us with laughter and left Takara and Genkei as red as a tomato screaming they weren't I believe that it's an obvious lie...

Over the past few months I have been more able to detect lies...and been telling a lot more myself, to Chiasa, to Saihara...even worse more than half the time they believe me now...I mean that's supposed to be the good thing...yet it doesn't feel that way more than half the time they don't even catch on. Still...she keeps saying one day all of us are going to make a world where we don't have to lie or anything like going to put my faith in our leader.


"Hurry up already Kokichi, we've been waiting for hours!" Mirai screamed dragging me in "sorry...hard to get out of the house..." Chiasa shot me a look but stayed quiet, thanks... I really didn't want the others to know about my parents. I mean...they already got their own problems to sort through...and mine were pretty small to where some of them are literally dying...kind of makes me a bit ashamed. 

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