Sweet Greetings

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Four Months Later

Adelaide opened her door and found, as she'd predicted, Sherlock waiting there with a bouquet of flowers. He wore a wide smile and she grinned, "Good Morning." He handed her the bouquet and kissed her forehead.

"Good Morning," He stepped inside and then leaned down for a kiss, cupping her cheek as it lingered. His fingers found a loose wisp of golden hair and gently tugged at it. Adelaide giggled and threw her free arm around his neck, burying her hand in his chocolate curls. When they peeled apart he hummed, "Welcome back, Adelaide."

"Glad to be back, Sherlock."

"You don't look sunburned this time," She giggled, "You remembered to regularly reapply-"

"Yes, I remembered sunblock. But I also spent a lot more time indoors than previously."

"Either way, it is good to see that you aren't swollen red from sun exposure. It does appear you are selected for the desert trips more often than anything else, though."

"That's where we're focusing most of our projects this year. I don't have much of a say in that yet,"  She held up the bouquet and inhaled their fragrance, "Thank you for the flowers, Hun."

"Always my pleasure, Love," He looked around and sighed, "It is quite strange not seeing your two cats."

"Yeah. I miss them a lot. But it was better to keep them together and I know they're healthy and happy with Tara." Her voice grew sorrowful at mentioning Nancy and Hercule's departure. Hercule had escaped the flat after a vet visit and had gotten into the bookstore. A couple customers who happened to be deathly allergic had encountered the cuddly kitty and had threatened a messy lawsuit.

Sherlock had offered to use Mycroft's influence but Adelaide had declined and apologized to the customers, agreeing to rehome her beloved cat companions. He knew it stung for her to have lost them in such a way but her bestie Tara Dawson had them so she could still visit. He was also impressed by how much grace and patience she'd exuded while handling the whole ordeal. Her opponents surely hadn't.

Sherlock stepped closer to his girlfriend and snaked his arms around her waist, "I still say we should have used Mycroft's influence. Then you would still have them."

"No, Sherlock. I'm still trying to win him over and using his privileges won't help. But, look at the bright side."


She held up the bouquet with a small smile, "I can keep your flowers in my flat without worrying about the cats eating them."

"True. But you're still unhappy about it."

She sighed, "Alright, enough about the cats. I need to put these in water and I have a feeling that you, Sherlock Holmes, haven't eaten today."

"You just got back from a dehydrating, drying trip to the desert. You haven't eaten in hours either, Adelaide Cavanagh. I will put these in water and find something-"

"There's nothing in the fridge. We'll have to go out."

"Eager for a date?"

"Of course I am. I was gone for two weeks, stuck with a busload of guys who no matter what I said, insisted on paying for almost every meal because I was the only  woman who went this time. I want a date with my boyfriend after all that. At least I didn't go bankrupt this trip."

"You didn't say anything about that."

"I did, but I think you were running after a serial killer when I called to vent about it," She leaned up and kissed his cheek, "Don't worry. None of them could hold a candle to you, Sweetie."

"I know. Now go clean up a bit and we'll go out, Lovey." He smiled at the blush that lit her cheeks when he used that pet name. Adelaide went into the bedroom to change and freshen up and he walked into the kitchen to fill her largest vase with water, then transferred the bouquet to the new vessel. This time it was an arrangement of lillies, orange roses, and apple blossoms- sweetly fragrant.

When Adelaide returned Sherlock had fixed any stray blooms and retrieved her purse for her, "Thank you, Sherlock."

"You're welcome, Adelaide. Shall we?"

She nodded with a bright smile, "Let's go, Sherlock." She looped her arm through his and they walked out together.

Hello everyone!! Thank you for reading and to those who are here from Enigma and Nanny's Anomaly, welcome back! Glad to see you! Love you guys!! 😘😁

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