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"Also we have to keep moving or we die." Norbury mused.

"Nice location for the final act. Couldn't have chosen it better myself. But then I never could resist a touch of the dramatic."

"I just come here to look at the fish," She got up and took a step towards the acrylic barrier separating them from the aquatic creatures, "I knew this would happen one day. It's like that old story." She turned to face him.

Sherlock stiffened, "I really am a busy man. Would you mind cutting to the chase?"

"You're very sure of yourself, aren't you?"

"With good reason."

She shifted, "There was once a merchant in a famous market in Baghdad." Sherlock faltered and murmured.

"I really have never liked this story."

"I'm just like the merchant in the story. I thought I could outrun the inevitable. I've always been looking over my shoulder. Always expecting to see the grim figure of-"

"Death." Mary cut off, walking into the exhibit.

"Hello, Mary."



"On his way."

Sherlock narrowed his eyes at Norbury, "Let me introduce you to Ammo."

Mary matched his expression, "You were Ammo? You were the person on the phone that time?"

"Using A.G.R.A. as her private assassination unit." Sherlock added.

"Why did you betray us?"

"Why does anyone do anything?" Norbury questioned.

"Let me guess," Sherlock hummed, "Selling secrets?"

"It would be churlish to refuse. Worked very well for a few years. I bought a nice cottage in Cornwall on the back of it. But... the Ambassador in Tbilisi found out. I thought I'd had it," She chuckled, "Then she was taken hostage in that coup. I couldn't believe my luck! That bought me a little time."

"But then you found out your boss had sent A.G.R.A. in."

"Very handy. They were always such reliable killers."

Sherlock directed to Mary, "What you didn't know, Mary, was that this one also tipped off the hostage takers."

Norbury retook her seat and explained how she'd all but set up Lady Smallwood by using her codename. Gotten the hostages and AGRA killed to find a little peace and protect her secret. She then turned to Mary, "That's all you wanted too, wasn't it? A family? Home? Really, I understand. So, just let me get out of here, right? Let me just walk away. I'll vanish. I'll go forever. What do you say?"

Mary growled, "After what you did?!" She advanced and Sherlock stepped after her.

"Mary, no!" Norbury produced a gun from her purse and aimed at Mary, who fell back a few paces.


Sherlock knew that everyone else was enclosing. He just had to stall a little longer. Norbury mused about never being a field agent, despite how well she might have done. Sherlock remarked on her handling of the Tbilisi operation, despite being a secretary. Then he deduced her alcoholism, her status as a widow, and her three cats. Mary tried gently to warn him and stop him from continuing, but he didn't. And he deduced her motive had been jealously from day one.

Mycroft and Lestrade entered the exhibit then, trailed by a handful of agents and officers. Sherlock pointed to the other entrance, "There's no way out."

"So it would seem. You see right through me, Mister Holmes."

"It's what I do."

Just then they heard voices coming through the other hallway. Everyone, including Norbury, turned as a group of Aquarium workers turned the corner onto the scene. Sherlock paled when he saw none other than Adelaide among them. They must have just gotten back from their field program.

Adelaide froze and glanced at Sherlock. He knew that she knew, to a degree, what was going on. Unfortunately he was aware that like a cornered, wounded beast, Norbury was not opposed to lashing out. And if she got the hint then that gun could easily turn on Adelaide. And Sherlock did not want to figure out how accurate Norbury's aim was.

The chamber fell silent. Nobody knew how to react now that there were civilians directly involved. But after a minute or so Norbury turned back towards Sherlock, "Maybe I can still surprise you."

The gun, which had been lowered, was snapped back up at Sherlock, who raised his hands in response, and Lestrade intervened, "Now come on. Be sensible."

Norbury shook her head and placed her finger against the trigger, "No, I don't think so."

Thank you for reading!!

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