His Realization

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Later That Day

Sherlock paced back and forth in 221B, hands together under his chin. He was trying to focus on replanning how he was going to propose since the prank incident earlier had thrown a wrench into his mental works.

He had gone to Adelaide's office to deliver the bouquet and to ask a few discreet questions. A crucial component that was absent in his scheme was when and where he would actually propose to her. He could not decide on where so he had wanted to try and extract her preferences. Then the party poppers cracked and he'd panicked when Adelaide collided headfirst with the wall.

The detective, in his own fuss about Adelaide's safety, had accidentally deleted his carefully structured questions and then didn't have time to craft them again. He had ended up retreating and wandering the halls of the Museum for inspiration before hurrying back to Baker Street.

Sherlock pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled sharply as Adelaide's cry of fright replayed in his mind. That had been the first time he had ever heard her scream and he had not been lying in any way when he'd told her that he had thought Moriarty had set a trap to kill her. She had said she was surprised, but her shriek said it was more. She had been very startled by the loud party implements and they both knew it.

He had been more than frightened. For a second the only thing that had run through his mind was the fear that he would lose Adelaide before he could even propose to her. And even when it had been assured that she was going to be fine, if not have a goose egg from greeting her office wall at a high rate of speed, he had had to try harder than usual to hide how scared he had been.

And still am.

Sure, it had been an office prank but it had served as Sherlock's reminder that he wasn't in control of everything and that if he didn't buckle down and ask, then Moriarty or any of his enemies could strike at Adelaide and she wouldn't be there. No engagement, no wedding, no honeymoon,.. none of the things that he had been envisioning for them would be possible.

This is ridiculous. It was only a prank, not a message from Moriarty. Don't turn it into one.

He scolded himself and flopped back into his chair with a puff, "Sh-she was just taken by surprise as much as you were..." Her short shriek played again his mind and he leaned forward, head in hands. I never want to hear that sound or anything similar from her again. Ever.

It was evening and Adelaide was probably back her flat. Sherlock considered heading over and talking to his girlfriend about what was currently haunting him. Maybe even cuddle a bit- the Oxytocin rush would definitely help as well. Yet at the same time the detective didn't want to because she would always look so empathetic and understanding and somber that it hurt when he knew she felt sad for what he'd been put through. He hated it, no matter how good it felt to have her as his confidante. 

Which was why he still had told her about what all had happened during his two years underground.

Sherlock growled, "Enough! Focus on planning how to ask Adelaide to share the rest of her life with a sociopath detective who played dead for two years, has a history of drug use and cannot get over his dead nemesis!"

"Sherlock, are you alright, dear?" Missus Hudson called, coming up the stairs and entering the living room. She saw him bent over in his chair and frowned, "Is it about Adelaide?"

He mumbled, "Yes."

"Oh... Still can't figure out how to pop the question to her?"


"Don't worry, dearie, you've still got time-"

"That is exactly it. I don't have time to waste. Adelaide at any time could be taken away from me!" The landlady wasn't quite sure how to respond to the outburst as he jumped out of his chair and marched to the mantle, skewering a piece of paper onto it with his knife. Then picking it up and stabbing it a couple more times, "I don't suppose you'd have any ideas, Hudders?"

"It's usually a safe play to either do it over dinner or have dinner and then go somewhere else more scenic or symbolic for the actual proposal."

"I was planning on a dinner date. The problem is where to actually propose to her."

"Sherlock, you might just be overthinking this whole thing."

"I have to have it outlined in detail so that everything goes as planned. I must go over everything."

"How about a cuppa and then you can finish planning this proposal? You won't get anywhere getting all worked up."

"Very well."

She popped downstairs to get it and he leaned back in his chair to stare at the ceiling.

You outsmarted Moriarty. Surely you can plan a proposal.

I hope y'all enjoyed it!! 😘

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