A step ahead - tony stark

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Words: 1071
Warnings: cursing
Type: idk..
Summary: you meet the rest of the avengers for the first time.

(They still have the tower)

You're stood outside of the avengers tower, trying to stop shaking yet failing miserably. A hand laced with yours and squeezed it reassuringly. You had been with Tony for about 5 months now.

"(Y/n/n), it will be ok," Tony says with a big
smile, "They will love you!" You give a small forced smile, trying to cover the ball of anxiety building up inside you. This would be the first time you met the avengers and you were Terrified. The fact that you were socially awkward didn't help the situation at all. You found yourself wondering how you plucked up the courage to say a word to Tony in the first place.

"Hey, hey, stop over-thinking! I love you no matter what," he smiled, "you ready?"

"No but let's go," you exclaimed, voice full of sarcasm and speaking quickly before you can change your mind. Tony chuckled before putting his arm around your waist, planting a kiss on your head and then leading you inside.

This was not your first time in the tower so you were greeted by the nice receptionist before walking to the lift, still shaking. You had been trained to fight by Tony in case something happened so you knew you could handle yourself in an everyday situation but this was no everyday thing. You entered the elevator and bounced your leg on the spot as a nervous tick.

"Welcome back sir and miss (y/l/n)," f.r.i.d.a.y greeted, making you jump out of your skin. Tony laughed loudly at your reaction. "Which floor?"

"To the common room please Friday," Tony said, holding you tighter. You immediately relaxed into his touch and let out a nervous sigh. Suddenly the elevator dinged and the doors opened revealing a small hall way leading to an open room. You heard Tony let out a frustrated groan and turned to see him staring intently at a small screen fitted into the wall which seemed to be malfunctioning.

"Babe, I'm really sorry but I've got to fix this. Why don't you go on in without me? Introduce yourself?" He sent you an apologetic smile. You immediately started protesting, saying that you could try and help or could just wait. "Honestly, it will only take a few minutes at most." He explained before adding a small: "please?" And smiling. You huffed in annoyance but finally gave in. How bad could it be?

You felt sick as you took small steps down the corridor, shaking like a leaf. Just be you, just be you, you repeated to yourself. You emerged out of the corridor to see many superheroes lounged on sofas and chairs, watching tv. As you took in a deep breath, ready to speak, all eyes landed on you.

Before you could even process what was happening you had a gun pointed at you as well as many other weapons, including an arrow and a red and blue shield. You also saw red magic floating towards you. You went to explain but quickly felt yourself being restrained by a metal arm in a very painful position and tears of fear and pain sprung to your eyes.

"Who are you? Who do you work for? And why are you here?" Captain America's strong voice said completely emotionless.

Right about now is when any normal person would have immediately explained themselves but you couldn't find the words. You opened your mouth to speak but your voice wouldn't come out. No, no, no! Not now! You mentally yelled at yourself but it was too late. Your anxiety had taken over now and you were finding it harder to breath. You just stood frozen in place, unable to do anything to help the situation.

You felt a tear roll down your face and you found yourself trapped and helpless. That was until a voice yelled across the room.

"What the in the fuck is going on here?!" Your eyes flicked over to see Tony stood there full of anger at seeing his girlfriend being restrained and threatened. "And what the fuck are you doing to my girlfriend?!"

At those words you felt the grip on your arms become loose and saw the weapons being lowered away from you.

"Your what?" Asked Steve, full of disbelief.

You knew you should move but you couldn't bring yourself to. More tears rolled silently down your face and Tony looked at you guiltily.

"Babe, come here, it's ok," He reassured, walking over to you and holding you close. Feeling no shame for crying, you wrapped your arms around him, automatically feeling safer. Tony felt your breathing slowing going back to its normal pace before turning to the avengers, never feeling more angry in his life. "Explain. Now." He ordered

"Well, she just came in and we didn't know who she was so she could have easily been a threat-" Sam tried to explain before being cut off

"And did you give her a chance to introduce herself?"

"Erm... yes"

"Friday, pull up the footage of (y/n) entering the room" the footage played and showed you had only opened your mouth before being threatened. Tony looked more angry now than ever and you knew you had to calm him down.

"Tony, babe, look at me," you said calmly, his eyes locked on yours within a split-second, "it's ok, I understand why they thought I was a threat and I'm ok. Im not hurt. Im fine." You spoke slowly. His eyes darted from your face to the purple mark slowly forming on your arm from Bucky. "I can't feel that, it's ok."

"We are really sorry, we didn't know and we are sorry." they all apologised at once. Tony glared and opened his mouth to make a comment but you knew him too well so you got the courage to answer yourself.

"It's ok, I forgive you, everyone is ok now." You smiled. Tony pouted at you playfully for answering before he could make his remark but you just smirked at him, making him chuckle. Clint seemed to have seen what you did and smiled.

"I like her!" He exclaimed before sticking out his hand "Clint, Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye" he winked and Tony's eyes widened before grabbing your waist and leading you to the kitchen quickly before turning round to the group and looking at them, seeming very protective and saying very loudly:



Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you liked it! Please comment and vote. Request if you would like!

- Lucy

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