forget - avengers

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Warnings: cussing

The avengers are family in this.

Before civil war.

The accords were being terminated as everyone saw that it may cause more bad then good. It took a while for the government to see this and now all the avengers were busy doing everything they could to make the process go smoothly. You, being underage (15), didn't have to sign them in the first place.

You have trouble dealing with your emotions. You often felt useless and that everything was your fault but you were working on it and you could deal with it better than before you joined. Since the accords were being terminated you thought everything would be normal. Apparently not.

The next day, you had a huge exam that Tony and Bruce were supposed to help you revise for. And you had one of the biggest soccer matches of your life that they all promised to come to. It had to go perfect.

"Hey! Tin can, big guy! Ready to go over some flash cards?" You said flipping them in your fingers. No response. "Hello? Anyone in there? This is quite important-"

"Not now Y/n!" Tony said not looking up from his papers that he was writing on.


"Not now." Bruce grumbled, repeating Tony. You heart slowly sunk but you didn't let it go all the way to the bottom. They don't have time. It's fine. You're okay. You can just do it with Clint and Nat. You thought. Backing out the room you spun on your heel and walked into the common room which was surprising.

"Hey FRIDAY, where are the others?" You asked.

"All avengers are busy right now, Miss" FRIDAY answered. You sighed and decided you would do it yourself as you went to your bedroom. After studying for ages you looked at your phone for the time, wondering why Steve hadn't called you down for dinner. It was 1am. Thoughts that you had upset them flooded your head, making your breathing erratic. You took deep breaths, knowing you were just being stupid. Laying down, you fell asleep thinking about what you may had done.

The next day you strode into the kitchen, expecting to see the normal scene of Steve and Bucky making breakfast as Tony and Rhodey chatted next to the coffee machine. You are used to walking past vision and Wanda at the kitchen island and slumping onto the sofa with Clint, Nat and Sam, being greeted by a loud "Hey kiddo!" However, you were met with a pretty chaotic room except from Steve and Sam who were scribbling on paper.

"Sup guys! What's cooking?" You greeted.

"We are busy, Y/n" Steve said blankly, not turning to you.

"Oh..erm yeah okay sorry." You said quietly, grabbing a snack bar from the side. Then peter walked in. Apparently he's been helping with this accords stuff. He shot you a smile.

"Sup guys!" He greeted the boys in the exact same way.

"Hey peter, come to the meetings room." They smiled back. Ok ouch. That hurt. What had you done?

"So, you guys excited for the game? I think we are gonna crush it!" You exclaimed, waiting for the pep talks that they always give you before a big day. You got no response. Okay it's fine. Don't over react. Don't cry. Stop it. You've not cried in so long, you're doing so well! You thought to yourself. "Okay well I'm off to school!" You said but no one looked up. And at that you walked out of the tower, blinking back tears, knowing you were being stupid but you couldn't help it. Thoughts clouded your mind. They hate me. Oh god they hate me. Tony and Bruce normally love telling me about science. Oh god the test. I'm gonna fail. You were getting over whelmed until you remembered the hard work you put in last night. You knew you had to pass. You basically knew everything that you had been taught. There was no way you weren't going to pass. Yes! Think positive! And you did... until you opened the paper.

Avengers/marvel imagines Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon