Mental - avengers

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Words: 700
Warnings: swearing (no one is surprised)

3 days, 4 hours, 7 minutes and 36 seconds. That's how long it's been since you were kidnapped by Hydra when you were on a mission. The team could barely hold it together. Each one of them knew how they would hold up under torture and interrogation but they had no idea how you'd be.

Let's say that you weren't the most mentally stable on the team. This doesn't mean that you break down crying a lot. For example, a few missions ago, you were shot twice in the leg and once your side. You and the avengers thought you were bleeding out. Bruce was sprinting around the quinjet, trying to help as best as he could. Tony was holding your hand, tears in his eyes. Bucky sat with his hand over one of your wounds as did Clint and Natasha. Steve kept telling you that you were gonna be ok. Sam held your other hand. They all had faith until Bruce said that you couldn't lose much more blood if you'd die. What did you do?? You sang another on bites the dust then hysterically laughed at your joke before passing out. Yep. Unstable.

The team were running out of ideas to find you. That was until Tony looked at his screen and stopped in his tracks eyes wide.

"We've found her." He whispered in disbelief. Everyone's head shot up.

"What?!" Steve asked.

"We've found her!" He yelled. Before Steve could get a word in he also yelled "Suit up motherfuckers! Let's go get our girl."

The quinjet was silent. Everyone's nervous tics had come out at this point and the atmosphere was tense.

"What if she's-" Sam finally spoke up.

"She's not." Bucky said sternly.


"She. Is. Not. Ok Sam?!" Bucky said, voice firm, eyes staring at the ground.

"You have reached your destination." FRIDAY spoke.

Inside the torture room

"Red alert! Red alert!" A voice said over the comms.

"Shit. Listen bitch you're gonna tell us now or I'm gonna cut your fucking arm off." The man said to you. You were covered in blood and cuts from what he's done to you and your clothes were soaked with blood and water from when they tried to drown you. "Got it! Now tell me-"

"Sir, the avengers have gotten past our security easily."

"Why?!" He yelled at the soldier telling him.

"Tell me why! Ain't nothin but a heart ache!" You laughed half-heartedly, your voice breaking slightly. The soldier just stared at you weirdly where as the man started to get angry.

"stop fucking around!" He yelled at you. You just got louder.


From the hydra base corridor

The avengers had took out most of the agents and were still looking for you. All of them were shaking, wondering about the horrible state you were in, about how scared you must be from this. That's until Bucky looked at them.

"Do you hear that? It's sounds like.. singing." They walked further down the hall, guns ready.

"stop fucking around!" The avengers heard. They all shared a look and advanced quicker down the hall.

"TELL ME WHY! AINT NOTHING BUT A MISTAKE!" They heard your voice. That's when they all ran.

The door was smacked down and both agents shot easily. The avengers turned to you. There was an intake of breath as they saw you.

"Sup guys! Miss me?" You chucked, your voice strained and tired. Everyone was quick to undo the restraints.

"Come on doll, let's get you to the medbay." Bucky said, before picking you up bridal style.

"Ow ow ow ow!" You exclaimed. You looked down to see part of a blade stuck in your leg. The avengers then saw it too. "Well this is gonna hurt."

"What is-?" Steve went to ask before you got your fingers and dug the blade out of your leg.

"Bad ass." Nat smirked.

"You are mental, doll."

A/N which no one probably reads

Hey everyone! Sorry this is so short but maybe I'll try and make it longer in the future!

Please vote and comment requests!

- Lucy x

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