Read my lips - Loki

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Warnings: swearing

This was requested by @ZraylaM
Thank you for this. I changed it a small bit but I hope I did it justice!

Everyone's alive - let's just pretend it's all okay, agreed? thank you.

"Ah fuck!" Sam winced as the Avengers alarm blared across the compound. "My goddamn ears." He complained before making a run for the door.

"So sorry brother, I must go." Thor gave a smile to his brother. Loki just rolled his eyes and glared back.

"Surely you'll be better off with me there to help?" He replied.

"Not this time Loki," Thor began to make his way to the door before floundering slightly, "Just- erm - stay." He ordered as if talking to a dog. Loki did not take this well.

"I'm not an animal! I'm not a pet! How dare you even-" He ranted but was unable to finish as Thor just rolled his eyes and exited the room at a full sprint.

Loki sighed before hearing something clatter to the floor. His head shot up and he met eyes will a very panicked girl. She began to make her way out of the room before the tv lit up the room brighter than before. The girl read the screen which said 'you can stay and chill, it's only a base infiltration. We got this shit. - Clint.
Loki watched her smile and roll her eyes before realising that she knew how to get to the base. If Loki wanted to be somewhere, he will. He strode right up to the girl and narrowed his eyes.

"Take me to the mission." He demanded. She just furrowed her brow at him. "Oh for Odin's sake! Do not be incompetent, take me there now!" He ordered angrily. The girl didn't look frightened or intimidated, she just gave him a small smile and held up a laminated card that she produced from her pocket.

Hello! I'm deaf and therefore can't hear what you're saying. I can lip read but it would be easy if you could write down/sign what you want to say. Thank you! :)

He took the card and read it slowly, returning it to her open palm. He paused to think before pulling some paper and a pen out of thin air, trying to conceal his smile as the girl stared in wonder. Immediately, Loki was intrigued. A person likes his magic?

'I am Loki of Asgard. I want you to take me to my brother.' She read the paper before taking the paper and pen with no warning. Loki almost jumped. No one had gotten that close to Loki (other than Thor) in...well, in forever. Maybe Loki could talk to this mortal.

'I am Y/N of eart- Midgard. No can do magic man. I'm afraid you're stuck with me.' Loki huffed realising he would be stuck waiting for Thor to come back. He took the paper out of Y/N's hand and began to write.

'Well, writing everything is going to be a big inconvenience. Is there a better way we can communicate?' Y/N smiled at him before answering. Loki very promptly pushes away the weird feeling that this gives him because Loki does not have these feelings ever ok, he does not!

'Well there is sign language but that takes a long while to learn.' Loki scoffed.

'I think I can handle it. Teach me." Y/N's smile became mischievous as she wrote she glanced up with a smirk before confidently passing back the paper.

'What's the magic word?' Loki almost choked and the girl let out a loud laugh. Ok... so maybe Loki does have feelings because that laugh made them all bubble up from his subconscious. No one has ever had the nerve to say that to Loki. He rolled his eyes at her and didn't write anything. She carried on staring at him as if trying to force him. The more she looked at him the more he felt the need to write.

"Okay that's not fair." He spoke. Y/N laughed again, obviously reading his lips. He huffed and made a big show of picking up the pen and writing as if it was the biggest inconvenience of his life.

'Please.' Loki shoved the paper at her and she gave him a wink.

'I'm keeping that forever.' She wrote before letting him read it and holding it to her chest in mock adoration. Loki just smirked and waved his hand. Y/N watched as the word disappeared. She narrowed her eyes at him.

'Well played.'

Before Loki could reply, a voice came over the speakers.

"Hey Loki! Mission's gone a bit offtrack so if you could- Ah Stark a little help!- just tell Y/N. No need to worry, we'll be back in no time! Just about a week." Thor's voice announced, sounding out of breath. He could barely be heard over the commotion around him.

"Do NOT blow up my base!" Tony's voice interrupted.

"Bye! Captai-" Loki's rage built up very quickly.

"A WEEK? A WHOLE WEEK?" Loki yelled at the ceiling as if Thor could hear. His eyes fell onto Y/N and his anger dissipated immediately. The confused look on her face told him everything.

'There's absolutely no need to worry.' He wrote first, trying his best to word this correctly. "Their mission has just extended a small bit. They'll be back in a week." Obviously there was no way to say that correctly as Y/N still became worried. Loki floundered for something to say, he could never deal well with feelings like this. However, he is good at distracting people from things.

'Until then, how about you teach me how to sign.'

———time skip brought to you by the Black Widow trailer——————————————

As the quinjet announced that they had arrived at the compound, Tony crossed his fingers and chanted his mantra of "please don't be on fire, please don't be on fire." Before breathing a sigh of relief at the sight of his perfectly fine base.

"10 bucks says that Loki didn't even speak to Y/N." Clint offered, stepping off of the jet.

"I'll take that action." Steve replied, leading the team into the compound.

As they made there way to the common room, they obviously didn't know how quiet they were being. They saw Loki on one side of the room reading his book next to the window and Y/N on the other side of the room watching the TV with subtitles. She glanced at Loki, checking that he was still in the room at the exact moment Clint decided to speak.

"Pay up Cap." Loki jumped out of his skin at the noise and Y/N barked out a laugh. He glared at her before putting his book down.

"Not funny." He signed. All of the avengers froze completely.

"Very funny, actually." Y/N signed back. Loki playfully glared one last time before turning to the avengers and rolling his eyes.

"What?" He snapped at them.

"Did you just sign?" Steve said in disbelief.

"Yes. Problem?" The team just shook their heads slowly in response.

"Be nice, love."Y/N signed shaking her head at him fondly.

"LOVE?" Clint yelled.

"Just because you yell, doesn't mean I can hear you." Y/N replied with a snarky smile. The team's brains were overloading. No one new what to say. After a long crushing silence. Steve cleared his throat loudly.

"Clint, I believe you owe me 10 dollars."


Well I hope you enjoyed that! I haven't written in a while so that was quite fun.

I hope everyone is safe in quarantine and are keeping their spirits up.
Stay Safe!

Thank you for reading!
- Lucy

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