You're kidding?! - Tony Stark

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Warnings: swearing

Tony Stark was known as a lot of things: a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Emphasis on the playboy. When you had first started seeing Tony, you were convinced that you were not the only girl he was talking to but he repeatedly denied it. It was hard to believe considering the age gap. Tony is 49 and you are 25. Yes I know, some people find it insane but you are in love. At least, you hoped he loved you back.

You had now been Tony's girlfriend for 4 months and they had been the best 4 months of your life. Anyone could tell that you were perfect for each other. Constantly, you were laughing and joking, playfully making fun of each other and being all coupley. The only person that you had met, however, was Happy. Happy at first thought it was just a one night stand and after finding out it wasn't, he couldn't believe it and didn't really like it. Soon, he saw how perfect you were for each other and finally accepted it.

Currently, all of the avengers were sent out on a mission but since Tony fell asleep during debriefing, he was dismissed. This meant that you had the day to yourselves. You were both cuddled up on the sofa of the compounds common room. That was until Tony decided to tickle you. A lot. You screamed and trashed about as he cackled loudly.

"Tones! S-stop!" You gasped through laughter.

"Answer the question baby, am I the best person ever?!"

"No!" You screeched.

"Say yes!"


"Do it!" He yelled, digging his fingers into your sides more.

"Fine! You are!"You gasped. Tony immediately stopped and got really close to your face, looking deep into your eyes. You flipped both of you over so you were on top. Biting your lip, you got closer to his lips before pausing. "I take it back!" You said laughing as you sat up. Tony pouted playfully and you smiled and gave him a small kiss.

"Mario kart?" You suggested.

"Mario kart." He agreed before getting up to get controllers.

—————- time skip brought to you by the far from home trailer——————————-

The tired avengers entered the tower, having completed the mission.

"To the common room please Friday." Steve said. The elevator went up as the team chatted.

"Bet you $10 that he's in the lab asleep." Clint said to the group.

"You're on." Nat replied. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. The avengers jaws dropped to the floor. There was Tony with a young woman playing mario kart.

"Fuck off!! I was in first!" Tony yelled. "Who the fuck fired that blue shell?!"

"Me bitch boy!! Guess who's in first now thot!" The woman fired back, laughing.

"I don't think so!" Tony said before picking her up and spinning her around before putting her down and tackling them onto the sofa and tickling her again.

"You cheat!" The person exclaimed. Tony stopped before leaning down and passionately kissing them.

"Ok, what the fuck?!" Sam exclaimed. Tony's and your heads shot up before he scrambled off you and pulled you up, placing an arm around your waist.

"Guys, meet my girlfriend, Y/n." Tony smiled and you smiled at them.

"Nice to finally meet all of you." You greeted however they completely dismissed you.

"Girlfriend, Tony?! She's like 12!" Steve proclaimed. Tony's expression turned into anger.

"Actually, she's 25-"

"And you are what? 49?! That's a huge difference!"

"So?! What's the difference between you and Sharron then? Aren't you 100!" Tony fired back. You just stood shocked. Did they know that you were even still there? You took a deep breath and stood in front of Tony before things escalated.

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Rogers, I'd like to note that I am not in-fact underage and that our relationship does not involve more than two people." You smiled sweetly and Tony put his hand on your shoulder.

"How much has he bought you?"


"How much money has he spent on you, huh? How much are you wanting from him?" Steve glared and stepped forward.

"Are you saying I'm a gold digger-"

"Cause you can't use him for money! Like really! Someone your age with Tony? Oh is that a new ring? Tony buy it for you?" He snapped. In one glance you could see Tony's rage and knew his next move. Tony went to hit Steve but you put your arm out to stop him.

"Not that this is any of your business, but to answer your question, Tony hasn't bought me anything except a bag of popcorn and a bar of chocolate that I am very grateful for. I am not wanting any money from him as I can survive on my own wage thank you. I am not using him for money. This ring is past down from my brother who recently passed away so no, it is not new and Tony did not buy it. Yes. Someone my age is with Tony because I am very in love with him. Anything else?" You said with a scarily calm tone. Steve said nothing. Tony looked shocked.

"You love me?" Tony whispered. You looked at him and smiled.

"Very much."You said.

"I love you too." He said and you smiled. "Wanna go eat?"

"I would like that." You answered. Tony kisses your forehead and wrapped an arm around you as you walked out. He made sure to give Steve the middle finger too.


A/N hope you liked that!

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- Lucy x

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