Empty - avengers

8.4K 211 52

Words: 567 (sorry it's so short)
Warnings: mental health issues

Your POV
I lay here still in my bed. Not hot or cold, not tired but not energetic. Not anything. Every second I lay here the tsunami of nothingness consumes me whole, dragging me down to the bottom to stay forever. I want to cry or scream, yell and sob but I can't. My body is empty and my feelings are drained. Today is a 10 on the mental heath scale yet no one can help because no one cares. They pretend to. I try and feel angry about that but I just can't. The only thing I can do is lay motionless in my bed and nothing can help me now. I'm at a 10.
The noises around me are static and my vision seems to look as if I'm in a dream, blurry and not quite realistic. I'm done trying. Maybe if I just lay here it will consume me whole. This trail of thought would lead a perfectly sane person into sadness or panic. It brings me nothing. Every breath is heavy, like a weight on my chest however I'm too spaced out to notice.

Third person pov

The door to your room creaked open as Tony slowly pushed it open, revealing him and the rest of the team. Worry was etched onto their faces as they hadn't see you since yesterday. Their worry increased as you didn't even notice the door open. You didn't notice the team enter your room and you didn't notice Tony sit on your bed. Only did you notice when Natasha leaned forward and ran her hand through your hair. You looked up at them, face blank, eyes empty and that's when they knew what was wrong. You tried so hard to force a smile but you just couldn't. It was like you were frozen. The team knew it was a 10.

Steve approached the bed with a warm smile before slowly placing a hand under your knees and your back and slowly picking you up. You couldn't even protest. You craved human contact more than anything. You were to zoned out to remember going in the lift but you came back as you emerged into the home cinema. There were several pizzas, many bowls of popcorn and your favourite movie was ready to play.

"Courtesy of Tony." Steve smiled as he placed you onto the sofa. You had the energy to beckon Tony over and give him a hug. It might not seem much but right now, that was all you could give and Tony knew that.

"You're welcome." He said, shooting you a smile as he sat beside you. The other avengers all bundled onto the huge sofa. You ended up leaning on Thor as he ran his hand through your hair with Tony sat on the other side of you, sharing the popcorn.

The team's focus was on you as F.R.I.D.A.Y played the movie. You, not even knowing this, smiled. It was a small smile, but it was there and the team lit up. You knew that you were gonna be okay.

Hey everyone! I'm so sorry that it's taken so long for me to update but there are many works that I have as drafts that just need ending. Also thank you so much for 200 reads!! I really appreciate all of you. The next one will be happier (hopefully).

Comment and vote! Thank you.
- Lucy x

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