Thoughts - Bucky Barnes

8.7K 228 63

Words: 554 (sorry they are so short)
Warnings: none

The team sat in the common room in a circle, all trying there best to comfort a sad and paranoid Bucky Barnes. The only person not in that circle was you.

When you got your powers of telekinesis, there seemed to be a side effect. If you felt strongly about a thought in your head you would just say it. In a more simple way, you had no filter. This meant that when it came to comforting people, you weren't the best. You tended to say the wrong thing and be extremely blunt. You wanted to help Bucky more than anything but the team thought it would be a good idea if you just "sat on the sidelines of the situation." You agreed, not wanting to make Bucky feel worse. So there you sat, on a chair near the back of the room, looking out of the window.

"Come on Buck, you help so many people now." Steve said calmly.

"And scare people every day." Bucky butted in.

"Barnes, come o-" Natasha tried.

"Don't even try it Natasha. When you met me the first thing you noticed was my arm." Bucky glared. Natasha sat quiet as well as everyone else, not knowing what to say. "I knew it."

"Wasn't for me." You voice said from the back of the room. All the avengers heads turned to you. You were cursing yourself for talking but you couldn't help it. "It was your eyes. I remember seeing you and being like woah how are his eyes so blue?!" You were flushing red but actually couldn't help talking so you shoved your face in your hands to cover it but it didn't work. "And now every time I see you I'm like woah them eyes but I have to try and hold it in otherwise I'll say it out loud. I've never properly thought that much about your arm compared to your eyes." You rambled, finally stopping and groaning loudly into your hands out of frustration before slipping off of the chair onto the floor. "Sorry." You whispered.

The avengers were dumbfounded but Bucky had a small smile on his face. He stood up and walked over, kneeling down to you.

"Really?" Bucky asked quietly. You nodded, refusing to take your hands away from your face. Bucky carefully removed your hands and tilted your chin to look at him. You sat and looked at his perfect face trying hard to not say your thoughts. Bucky could tell and just rested his metal hand on your cheek, making you lose focus and start speaking.

"Woah, how is it fair to look like that without trying?!" You smacked a hand over your mouth, cringing hard. Bucky just laughed and leaned in.

"Get a room!" Sam yelled from the circle of avengers.

You both laughed. Bucky helped you up and led you out of the room. He again leaned in and finally kissed you. It was incredible.

So incredible that you accidentally used your powers and moved a vase of a table and it smashed on the floor.


"Sorry Tony! Tony I saiD I WAS SORRY"



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Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter!


- Lucy x

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