Oh my stark - peter parker

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Words:1634 (its a long one)
Warnings: none
Type: fluff

Civil war, you and Peter are 17 in this

You and peter laughed, hand in hand as he dragged you up the stairs to his apartment. Today had been a really good day for you both
so you were both really happy. You laughed as peter chased you down the hallway, quickly catching up to you and picking you up and spinning you round. You two had an amazing bond. You told each other everything! He immediately told you that he was Spider-Man and you told him how you had telepathic powers. You wanted to help people but didn't really have them under control yet so you didn't in fear of hurting people and Peter respected that.

Peter kept his arm around your waist as you walked down the hall way, quoting memes and vines, and telling each other about your day until you reached the right apartment door. Today, Peter had invited you round to just sit on his bed and watch Star Wars until you both fell asleep. To you, that sounded like the perfect end to a perfect day. He entered his apartment and grabbed you by the hand, lacing his fingers in yours before pulling you into his chest as he shut the door.

"Hey may!" You both shouted as you both walked into the kitchen to get a drink.

"Hi, how was school?" May asked, seeming a little off. Peter quickly kissed the top of your head before grabbing an apple.

"Okay," Peter replied.

"There's a crazy car outside-" you started before you both turned round and your mouths dropped open. You quickly sent peter a telepathic message of what is happening. He looked at you as if to say I don't know either.

"Oh, Mr. Parker," Tony greeted.

"Umm.. what.. what are you doing...? Hey. I'm- I'm- I'm Peter." Your boyfriend stuttered out, looking utterly shellshocked that his idol was sitting in his house.

"Tony," He replied with a smirk before glancing at you. You didn't know what to say, this was peters moment of meeting his idol and you didn't want to mess it up for him by saying something stupid. Peter intertwined your fingers with his once again, this was a nervous habit, sometimes he just needed reassuring. You gave his hand a tight squeeze.

"What are... what are you- what are you doing here?"

"It's about time we met. You've been getting my emails, right? Right?" Mr. Stark said, winking at peter. This made Peter immediately reply.

"Yeah, Yeah. Regarding the..."

"You didn't tell me about the grant!" May stepped in, looking at Peter.

"Yeah me neither," you said confused, looking at peter for conformation.

"About the grant." Peter said finishing his last sentence. You raised an eyebrow, you and Peter told each other everything, surely he would have mentioned this.

"The September foundation" Mr Stark finished smoothly.


"Remember when you applied?"


"I approved. So now, we're in business." Tony Stark announced.

"You didn't tell me anything. What's up with that? You're keeping secrets from me?" May questioned.

And me? I thought we told each other everything? You said telepathically, not wanting to cause a scene. Peter looked panicked. His eyes shot from Tony to you to May and back to you and then Tony, as if looking for an answer.

"Why, I just, i just... I just know how much you both love surprises so I thought I'd let you know..wh... anyway, what did I apply for?"

"That's what I'm here to hash out"

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