Liar liar - father!TonyStark

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Warnings: swearing

So... it's been a while. I was just looking at my old stories and one shots when I found this in my drafts. I don't know why I didn't post this but I am now. I don't think I'll be regularly updating this book but we will see.

(Based off the tv series Misfits)

The room was silent. Eyes focused and breathing steady, you set your eyes on the glass bottle in front of you. A tense feeling radiated from you. You took a deep breath before straining your eyes and tensing.

"What is she doing?"

"Trying to break the bottle with her mind. Again."

You stopped trying and caught your breath.

"I have a power. I know I do."

"No you don't kid. I'm sorry but you don't." Your dad, Tony sighed. "The injection did nothing to you. We spoke about this." You huffed and slumped back in your chair.

A couple months prior to this, you were kidnapped by hydra. They only injected you with one thing before the avengers came to your rescue. Bruce and Tony spent ages testing you and making sure the injection didn't change anything. They had come to the conclusion that it hadn't. You, of course, did not believe this. Constantly you tried to find your power and when people told you that you didn't have one, you would reply with "but I can feel it in my bones!" Your dad was becoming frustrated with your antics.

Now here you were, seeing if mind control was your thing.

"Listen. I get it. Everyone around you is an avenger but it just isn't your thing kid. I'm sorry but it's not. You're going to drive yourself insane." Your father exclaimed.

"You don't get it! I can feel it dad!" You answered.

"That's enough! You don't have powers. You don't." Your dad yelled. You rolled your eyes. He would never believe you. Standing up quickly, you knocked the glass bottle off the table and onto the floor, hearing the smash as you walked out.

"Well that went well." Bruce remarked. Tony sighed and flipped him off.


Sat cross legged on your bed, you inhaled and exhaled deeply. Slowly you raised your arm and pointed it towards a stack of papers on your desk.

"Please for the love of god work." You whispered. You tensed every muscle you could, putting as much effort and concentration into the act as possible.

Suddenly you felt tingling sensation in your arm.

'This is it' you thought, 'I have fire powers." Then your arm ceased up. 'Nope, just a fucking cramp. Are you kidding.' You winced in pain, shaking your arm around, trying to make it feel better. Then your bedroom door opened.

"Hey kid-" Tony stopped and looked at you shaking your arm and the stack of papers placed directly in the middle of your desk. "You tried the fire power thing again, didn't you?" He grumbled.

"I have powers dad! You have to believe me. I can feel it!" You exclaimed. Your dad sighed loudly, putting his head in his hands.

"No, what you feel is the placebo effect-"

"No it's not! I have to have powers-"

"But you don't!" Tony shouted causing immediate silence. Your face contorted.

"Get out." You ordered. Tony didn't budge. "Get out of my god damn room!" You yelled, making him back out and slamming the door behind him.


You didn't come out of your room for the rest of the day. There was no way you could believe that your dad thought you were lying about this. At this point the whole team thought you were crazy from this. Running and hand through your hair, you sighed. As much as you wanted to stay hidden away in your room, you were hungry as hell so you had to venture out.

As soon as you opened the door, you heard a loud smash. It took you a second to realise what it was. A window. A full wall window. Quickly, you sprinted towards the room in question, stopping just short of the door. All you could hear was fighting. Quietly, you crept towards the door and looked around the corner to see what was going on.

Guys dressed in full black were fighting the team. You saw the smashed window as Steve threw a guy out of it, picking up his shield as he ran back toward the fight. Everyone was suited up. Except from your dad. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched him try and summon a suit but it just wasn't working. Looking on in horror, you watched as an enemy turned his attention towards Tony and before you knew what you were doing, you were across the room and in between Tony and the barrel of a gun.

Two loud shots went off. Adrenaline rushing through your veins, you felt nothing yet you still knew you were hit. Your knees buckled and you fell to the floor. A high pitched ringing noise muffled the yells coming from around you and your eyes slowly began to re-focus. You began to see your fathers face clearly. Tears were beginning to flow steadily down his cheeks as he spoke words that you couldn't hear. You smiled softly at him, only seeing your dad, the man who spent every waking second raising you to be the best you can be. You saw the man who gave up so much to take care of you. You saw your best friend. If these are my last few seconds, at least he's here with me.

Words steadily began to get clearer.

"-gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. I can't- you can't- you can not leave me, Stark! Not yet. Talk to me, come on." Tony choked out.
You grinned before wincing. Tony choked out a sob. "Fuck this hurts."

"You are gonna be okay, kiddo. You can't go. We still don't know your power." Your dad gave a watery smile. You looked down slowly, seeing the blood covering your body. You knew this was it.

"I love you, so much." You said and you meant it with all your heart. You moved your arm before groaning at the sharp movement. "Fucking fuck ow." You winced.

"Careful there, when we get you to the Medbay and all patched up, Steve is gonna want to have a word with you." Tony tried to joke but tears rolled faster. You chuckled before your vision blurred further and your breathing slowed. "I love you kid."

"I love you.." you trailed off before falling limp. Tony let out a gut wrenching sob as the avengers rushed over. The silence filled with sobs and cries. Slowly the team took you out of your dads arms but he refused to move from the floor with you, only crying more.

"Goodbye kiddo." Tony choked out, before dropping his head into his hands. The team were silent.


A loud gasp was heard before you shot up into a sitting position. The avengers all yelled and screamed.

"What the FUCK?!" Tony yelled at you, grabbing your arms to check this was real. You glanced down at your body before looking back up at the team.

"I'm Immortal bitches! Told you I had a power!"


So.... to some these past few months up;
2020 is shit. Coronavirus is here. We are all in lockdown. God fucking help us. The NHS are saints and should have higher pay.

Stay AT HOME!!!!!

Stay safe and thank you for reading!


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