Remember - avengers

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Words:309 (small)
Warnings: suffering with amnesia

One mission. One tough mission changed the avengers forever. The whole thing was a blur. You were hurt and hit your head hard. Really hard. After multiple doctors appointments, it was concluded that you would have difficulty making new memories. You were reassured that it could get better and you could start making memories again. For now, you registered yourself broken. The team refused to let you move out, they insisted they'd help anyway they could.

No matter how small.

You walked into the common room with a spring in your step. Once you got there, your face faltered. The others took notice. They were gonna say something but didn't want to assume.

"Erm.. where am I?" You asked, face turning a shade of red. The avengers looked around. The seats had been moved around a couple weeks ago to make the tv easier to see, making the room unrecognisable to you as you'd forgotten.

"The common room doll, seats just moved. That's all." Steve smiled at you.

"Right." You smiled back and took a seat next to Nat.

They would help you, no matter how big.

You walked into the gym with caution. You saw the back of a woman with blonde hair. Silently you made your way to Tony.

"Do you know her?" You whispered. You watched Tony's face falter but he covered it up fast.

"Y/n, honey, it's Natasha. She dyed her hair a couple months ago." He said, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Oh right, right." You nodded. "Natasha..."

"Romanoff." Tony finished. You nodded quickly.

"Of course yeah."

"You do remember her, don't you?" Tony asked with sad eyes.

"Yeah of course." You said quickly. "Just slipped my mind for a moment, that's all."

They would always help you.

A/N sorry it's so short! I hope you liked this!


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