Anger - Bucky Barnes

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Words: 801
Warnings: none

You had been an avenger for about four months and seemed to be fitting in pretty well. Everyone was really nice and welcomed you in to the group. You seemed to take quite the liking to a certain metal-armed super solider. You could get lost in his beautiful blue eyes and could talk to him for hours.

Today you all went on a mission, reading over the file, it seemed easy. Unfortunately what the file seemed to miss out was that there was an empath fighting for hydra that had been told everything about Bucky Barnes. Her mission was to get in his head, tell him all the bad he'd done. She succeeded. Luckily you and Wanda exchanged a look and immediately caught on to what she was doing before taking her down.

You were now back at the compound, sat out side the training room door with the rest of the avengers, trying to get an angry and upset Bucky to open the door before he could do anything he'd regret.

"Come on Buck, open up." Steve called, earning nothing in response. He sighed before knocking on the door again. Everyone exchanged concerned looks and everything went silent until a loud bang echoed threw the door. Everyone immediately looked around frantically for something to open the door with,yelling for Bucky to open the door.

"Friday, open the door!" Tony ordered.

"I cannot do that, Mr. Barnes would not like to be disturbed. This request can not be overridden." Friday replied. Tony sighed in annoyance.

Steve threw his arms up before mumbling that's it and pulling at the metal door. Everyone looked at each other before realising that it was the only option and started pulling on the door with Steve. Tony used his iron man gauntlet and not long after, the door flung off its hinges to reveal a fuming Bucky punching everything in sight, tears rolling down his face. There was a dent in the wall and a broken treadmill on the floor below it. Well I guess that was the bang, you thought. Steve entered slowly after giving you all the signal to wait in the hall. You all stood in the hallway listening to the conversation.

"Hey buck-"

"Not now steve." Bucky growled.

"Bucky listen to me-" you heard the sound of Steve placing a hand on Bucky's arm. Wrong choice.

"I SAID NOT NOW!" Bucky yelled before you were greeted by Steve being thrown out of the room and smashing into the wall behind him.

"Oh god, s-Steve I didnt- I don't know what I was thinking." Bucky cried quickly backing away from the door where there now stood, you, Tony, Natasha, Wanda, Clint, Bruce and a sat down dazed Steve.

You slowly took a step forward, Clint's arm instinctively shot out in front of you, keeping you from harm like any make-shift-brother should. You weren't related but you knew Clint way before you joined the avengers and are super close. You moved Clint's arm back to his side and gave it a pat, signalling that you wanted to go in.

"James Buchanan Barnes, it's okay," you started as you moved a bit closer.

"No please, it's not, I'm dangerous!" His eyes were filled with tears of fear.

"You are not dangerous. I wouldn't lie to you, you know me." You said calmly as he stared at you with scared eyes. "It's (y/n)," you clarified and he nodded.

"I know, I don't want to hurt you," he stuttered out.

"You won't. I trust you with my life. You are Bucky. You are so strong and independent, you help people daily. You are far from a monster." By this time you had gotten within reaching distance of him.

"I hurt people-"

"That was not your fault. I will keep saying that until you believe it. You could not have helped that. You are not responsible for that." He slowly nodded at your words, tears falling rapidly down his face. You went to touch him then remembered what happened with Steve so you gave him the choice.

You held your arms out as you made eye contact with him. Within seconds he fell into your arms, wrapping his arms around your waist. You held him tight as you both slowly sat on the floor. Bucky seemed exhausted. You heard all the avengers let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank you, (y/n)," Bucky said, face nuzzled into your neck, making it wet with tears.

"It's okay, glad your back"

"I love you" He said quietly, looking into your eyes with his blue ones. You heard another intake of breath from the lurking avengers.

"I love you too." You replied and he pulled you in closer. You smiled widely.

Bucky loves you.


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