6 or above - Steve Rogers

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Words:1650 v v long
Warnings: idk bomb??

Based on Sherlock cause I'm obsessed.

The avengers had no clue what to do. Terrorist attacks were not their thing. Normally it was aliens or robots. Not this time. They were informed about an underground terrorist group that not even the CIA could find. The job was turned to them.

The desks were covered in papers and scribbles. They were following false leads. They were loosing hope fast but they needed to catch them. The CIA thought they'd caught a member of the group. The member locked himself in a room with a metal door which they couldn't break without calling back up. They yelled that there would be an 'attack that no one will see coming' before promptly putting a gun to their head and pulling the trigger. That's what the avengers had to go on.

"We can't." Steve said. Everyone's heads shot up to look at him. "We have nothing to go on. That guy had no leads to anything or anyone suspicious." Everyone nodded with agreement. Tony slowly turned to face the team.

"We might not be able to find them, but I know someone who can." He said.


"And then the money from our savings was just... gone!" The woman exclaimed. He husband sat next to her nodding. You sat looking at your client before standing up straight. 

"Yes, and does anybody else know the password?" You asked slowly pacing up and down.

"No," she sniffled, "Just me and my husband." You abruptly stopped in front of the pair.

"Your husband took out the money. It's the only plausible explanation since he's having an affair with one.. no! Two people. Both are quite young and are seen frequently considering the amount of times he takes of his ring. The money was obviously spent going on holiday with the second one which he recently got back from. You can tell from the slight tan and the aroma of a different woman's perfume as well as yours." You articulated quickly. You pulled out a card and held it out. "Great lawyer. Good day."

The clients left with the woman yelling her husband and crying a bit. You sighed and flopped onto the sofa.

"Y/n!" Wade scolded. "You can't keep doing that to people."

"Bored. Boring. I thought I said I wasn't doing cases under a 6?"

"You did but you were also getting annoying so I assigned you that one. I thought it would take you longer than 5 minutes." Wade deadpanned. You snorted.

There was a few seconds silence. You rolled your eyes and picked up a gun. You fired it at the wall twice.

"What in the hell are you doing?!" Wade yelled, ducking slightly.

"BORED. No murders. No serial killers. No nothing!" You snapped back, using the gun to scratch the back of your head before spinning it round in your hands and firing it at the wall again. That's when the doorbell went.

"Rang once." Wade said.

"Maximum pressure." You replied.

"Client!" You both cheered.

Wade went to get the door and you sat back in your chair. Strangely, you heard several pairs of footsteps walking up the stairs to your flat. You watched, your facial expression not changing, as the avengers piled into your apartment. You didn't look at them, no, you stared at wades chair.

"Tony, you know the rules. We won't help you unless you sit in the clients chair." Wade said, going to sit down in his.

"Not this again, you can't be serious?" Neither of you spoke. "For god sake!" He mumbled before slumping down into the clients chair. The other avengers stood silently, unsure of what was going on. They looked at you, waiting for you to move.

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