The Last Night

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This one shot is inspired by Daylight by Maroon 5. I've been listening to this song recently and I thought it would be amazing for these two little cuties 😊

Here I am waiting. I'll have to leave soon, why am I holding on?

Thomas is been sitting on the edge of his bed for about an hour thinking about nothing but everything simultaneously.

Tomorrow is the insertion day. The day he's been dreading the most for the past few weeks. The day he'll be put in the Maze he has watched his friends living in throughout the years. Also the day he'll let go of everything that made him who he is today. His new life will start tomorrow.

He can't help but feel a tiny nervous and reluctant about that. Of course he's a bit excited, he's Thomas after all. But all the possible, horrible scenarios are the only thing crossing his mind at the moment.

But he's way more afraid to face the truth that he's going to forget everything. He's going to forget her.

After everything he's been thinking about, with his head clutched on his hands, the one that makes him sick and his stomach tightening into a knot is if he should meet her.

He knows he wants to. And he also knows that it's probably the best thing to do, since it's already close to midnight and all the staff and doctors are probably asleep by now and he can sneak into her room, but he just can't find the courage to do so.

We knew this day would come. We knew it all along, how did it come so fast?

He imagines all the possible things that can happen if he does come to her room and ask her if he can stay, making himself feel even more vulnerable to everything than ever.

They knew this day would come eventually. Tests, experiments, variables, and then the Trials. They've been doing these Maze Trials for over three years, but as Chancellor Ava Paige once told them, "You are too valuable for us to let you go without testing you one last time."

And then he's here, ready to be put inside a metal box and open his eyes in a total, different world.

He finally makes up his mind. He gets up confidently, walking up to his door, opening a crack to check if someone is outside. He looks from left to right, realizing that there is indeed no one in the hallways.

He walks slowly but firmly through some doors, only stopping when he reaches his destination a few seconds later.

His heart is beating extremely fast against his chest, making his mind full again with doubts and fears of what can happen next.

He lifts his fist in the air, knocking softly on the door, waiting to see if Teresa would answer.

She's probably asleep. Thomas thinks, preparing himself to turn on his heels to leave and return to his room.

Some painful moments later the door in front of him cracks a bit open, revealing a pair of bright, blue eyes shining through the darkness of the night.

They don't say anything to each other,  they don't need to to express what they're feeling, only Teresa grabbing his wrist and pulling him inside her room.

The two make their way to Teresa's bed, laying down gently on their sides, facing each other and pulling the blankets up.

"It's late. I thought you were already asleep." Thomas whispers softly, keeping the calm, soothing atmosphere between the two.

"I couldn't sleep. Couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow and everything that can happen to you while you're there." Teresa replies gently, her voice barely a whisper, staring at his beautiful, brown eyes.

Thomas gives her a small smile, his head nodding softly.

"I couldn't sleep either."

This is our last night, but it's late, and I'm trying not to sleep, 'cause I know when I wake, I will have to slip away.

They've been laying on the bed for what it seems like hours, neither of them speaking or talking about the inevitable. Occasionally one of them would take a deep breath, and that would be the only sound to be heard for a while.

Teresa decided to rest her head on Thomas' chest, his hand going around her back almost instantly.

It's a simple gest for them, even if people would think they're together, which is not the case. They're just best friends, even if Thomas does feel something deep about Teresa. He just doesn't have the courage to admit it to her.

He's been trying to sleep for hours now, and the realization that time is ticking and the minutes are passing by fast hits him like a ton of bricks.

He can tell Teresa is probably asleep. She hasn't been moving for a while now, but Thomas just can't close his eyes and dive into unconsciousness. He just can't.

And he's not mad at all with that. He wants to take in as much as he can from her. Her scent, her touch, her love. He needs her.

He's just staring into the darkness, rubbing his hand softly on her back.

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go, but tonight I'm gonna hold you so close.

"Tom?" He hears a whisper coming from the girl laying on his chest, her head lifting up a bit so she can look at his eyes.

"Hm?" He looks down at her, looking at those beautiful eyes of hers, calming him down by how blue they are.

"I don't want you to go." Her face turns into a small frown. She presses her lips together and looks down, playing with his hand that is resting on his belly.

He smiles softly, understanding too well what she's feeling. But, unfortunately, there's nothing they can do now. He's going to the Maze and they'll just have to live with it.

"I don't want to go either."

"Just promise me you'll be careful and you won't do anything stupid." She adverts, her tone turning into a serious one.

"I promise." How couldn't he? He could never do something that would make her hurt or suffer. He will be careful. For her.

Thomas sees as her eyes slowly water, making small tears fall from her cheeks.

"Oh, come on..." He mumbles gently, lifting his hand to caress her hair. He hates seeing her cry, specially because of him. "It's gonna be okay. We will be okay." He doesn't trust his words too much, and he knows Teresa doesn't either, but she's devastated enough to the point where she agrees with everything.

"You'll see. One day, we will be sitting on a couch joking about all of this." He tries to cheer her up, the only signal of it working being Teresa giving him a small friendly smile. There's nothing they can do now but being there for each other.

Teresa suddenly puts her arms around his neck, pulling her to him and embracing him tightly, her head in the crook of his neck.

Thomas is taken aback for some moments, but soon he's holding onto her for dear life. He can't bear the reality of actually forgetting about her. About their friendship. About what they probably feel about each other, which isn't just "as friends".

The two stay like that for the night (or what's left of it) holding each other tightly, too scared to let go, until a Doctor comes in Teresa's room to drag Thomas out into the Swipe, leaving a crying Teresa behind.

That's it! I really like this song and I just thought it would be perfect for a before the Maze fic. I hope you guys like it!

See ya! 💓

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