The Cure

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Basically this one shot is inspired by the Death Cure's teaser trailer because can you believe it's been a full year since it was released?

Like, wHaT tHe ShUcK??? How. is. that. even. possible.

Anyways, let's get into the chap!

Teresa has been trying to convince Thomas to let her test on him, since he shows plenty of chances of actually carrying the Cure that can cure his best friend Newt, but he's not giving in to her.

Thomas, Newt and Teresa are walking towards the elevator, the way they can access to the other half of the building, where their friend Minho should be.

There's no use for Teresa to try to put some sense into the boy's head, but still, she tries.

"Thomas, just let me run some tests. I promise I can protect you!"

Thomas stops suddenly, turning around to face the person he's grown to feel rage and disappointment towards to in the last six months, showing he's come to his limit.

"Yeah? Like you protected Minho?" He snaps, ignoring and moving out the arm Newt has placed on his shoulder to calm him down. "How many people is it gonna take, huh? How many more people will they have to round up, torture, kill?" He whisper yells, not wanting to make a lot of noise in case of Janson being near, but not being able to contain his rage as well.

"When the hell does this stop?"

"It stops when we find a Cure."

"There is no Cure!" Thomas shouts, his sudden outburst causing Teresa to shake a bit at his voice full of rage.

But Thomas is done. He can't take anymore the pain of losing someone else to the Flare. He's done of not being able to do anything about it, and it seems like Teresa can't understand it. But she does. She understands everything.

"There is no goddamn Cure." Thomas repeats, his tone calmer than before. He didn't want to scare Teresa, and seeing her step away from him made him feel quite ashamed of yelling at her.

"Don't waste your breath, Teresa." Thomas looks up from Teresa's eyes to see Janson walking right in front of them with a gun in his hand, ready to fire. In an instinct, Thomas lifts his gun as well. "He made his choice long ago."

Thomas hears a guard not too far away from them telling him to drop his gun and stop where he is, but here's the thing, Thomas is stubborn.

Suddenly, he finds himself clasping his arm around Teresa's shoulders, pointing the gun at her.

He listens as Teresa's breath quickens and a small gasp leaves her mouth as she understands the circumstances they're in.

"Back off. Tell them to back off!" Thomas shouts at Janson, who's now standing right in front of them, with the small smirk Thomas would love to punch out of his face, and tightens his grip on the gun, threatening to pull the trigger.

"Hey, Thomas, come on. It's me. I've known you longer than you can remember, you're not gonna shoot her."

Thomas doesn't loosen his grip once, not giving in to the mid aged man's small talk.

"You don't think so?"

"Okay. Come on then." The trio watches as Janson lifts his gun to the air, then pointing it at the ground, showing he has no intentions on pulling the trigger. Well, at least for now. "Shoot her, prove me wrong.

"Shoot. her."

Thomas' mind is running fast. Too fast for someone who has a gun pointed at his once best friend, once confident, and once most important thing on his life. But even though he's not sure about a lot of things these days, he's completely, absolutely sure he would never, ever be able to hurt Teresa. At least not in that way, since he knows they're both hurt with each other right now.

He looks intently at Janson, pure hatred showing on his eyes as the man stands there like nothing important is happening, contemplating the sight before his deadly eyes.

But Thomas won't budge. He might not be able to shoot Teresa, but he's sure as hell he can perfectly shoot Janson, maybe not to kill him but to give him a good pain to deal with.

But he doesn't do it anyway, because he knows that if, for some reason, Thomas ends up pulling that trigger, shots will be fired towards his friends and him, and he doesn't want that. They need to save Minho.

It feels like ages, when suddenly Thomas and Newt are pushed back by Teresa, who hurries to close the emergency door that now separates them.

Shots are fired by Janson and his guards, but neither Teresa nor Thomas seem to mind, too focused on one another's faces, looking from eye to eye.

Teresa's face holds strenght and determination, while Thomas' holds something almost indecipherable but what Teresa gets as surprise and confusion.

While Teresa speaks with Janson and storms off of the hallways to the lab, Thomas can only conjure up one thought as he's running with Newt towards Minho:

Teresa Agnes just saved my life.

Soooooo here it is!
I hope you like it!
I love you! ❤

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