The Last Gift

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Hello lovelies!

I don't know if you guys saw what Wes Ball tweeted not too long after TDC came out about that in the last scene from the movie, Thomas was looking at the boat with the Cure in his hands, meaning that he was probably going to do something with it.

So, this one shot starts right on that scene.

Grab some tissues 😁👍


The soft texture of the sand still felt weird against Thomas's feet. Surely he thought sand wouldn't feel good anymore, given the fact that the majority of the terrifying events the Gladers had to go through happened in the Scorch, but he somehow found comfort in it as he walked through the shore, the waves crashing not too long away from his figure.

He stopped when he looked ahead of him to the boat that had brought them there, still anchored to the sea.

Slumping his head down as he searched for the blue tube on his pants, Thomas thought about how that little thing could save so many from dying a monstrous death. And eventhough he didn't know for sure if it worked, he believed with all his heart and mind in Teresa's words and the certainty on them.

And so he gathered some people, asking Vince's permission to do so, and eventually left the Safe Haven a few days later, back to the Last City.

Seeing WICKED again wasn't on his plans, and neither Minho's or Frypan's, but they knew deep down that that was the least they could do. And WICKED was destroyed anyway, but the place still gave them the chills.

So many had died from that disease, and now that they finally had a cure, it would be selfish just keeping it to themselves, they thought.

And they couldn't have been more right.

Thomas pondered for a long time after bringing the newbies (now cured from the Flare) to the Safe Haven, if he had done the right thing.

A part of him wanted to keep it, the last thing Teresa would ever give him physically, but the other part told him otherwise. Teresa wouldn't want him to have such power and not use it to save someone.

And eventhough Teresa had given him the vial to save Newt, who she didn't know wasn't on the Berg with them anymore, she would want him to use it well.

And to be honest, Thomas didn't need a small tube with blue liquid inside to remind himself about how courageous and selfless Teresa was.

So as he sits down on one of the rocks at the beach, the now empty tube clasped on both his hands, he knows he's done the right thing.

He still thinks about her everyday.

How much he misses her and wishes for her to somehow come back to him, telling him it was just another Trial and she wasn't exactly dead.

He thinks about her everytime the Memorial Ceremony is held and a huge fireplace is lit and they remember those who didn't make it there.

He thinks about her whenever he does something not so intelligent, because he knows she would scold him almost immediately for not being careful with himself if she was there.

And although he wishes she wasn't really gone, he can't help but thank every God above him for giving him such a good thing as having Teresa Agnes in his life, even if not forever.

So when he gets old and realizes his time is coming, he doesn't fear anything, because he knows that in the other side of the light, there's a raven black haired girl with bright, big blue eyes waiting patiently for him, with the biggest smile on her face and rosy cheeks contrasting with her beautiful pale skin.


Sorry if it was kinda short and only description but I let myself write whatever came to my mind and this was the result 😂

I hope you enjoyed it anyway 😊

Love you! ❤

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