The cute tiny detailes

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Tony loves to stare at you when you are working. You get really focused and he love the funny faces you make.

He loves to listen to your heartbeat. Especially when you are sleeping. Is soft and it makes him calm.

Bucky loves to see you train. He thinks that it's cute that you want to protect him. Even tho he doesn't need that he loves that somebody want to protect him.

You are a really good listener. So when Thor tells story's about his life you really listen and he thinks that's cute

Peter could here your laugh 24/7 he thinks it's cute and it make his entire day better

He loves the dimples in your cheeks when you smile. He thinks it super cute.

He loves that you trust him. He wants to change and you give him hope that he can actually do that. Also he hates to admit it but he loves that you and Thor are best friends because he secretly cares a lot about him

Pietro loves that your not like all the other girls he has dates. You are different. Better. More beautiful. You make him a better person. You make him happy

He loves that you are really smart and that he can talk to you about stuff that he can't trust others with.

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