First I Love You

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"I had fun today Tony" you say while holding his hands.

"I did to, can i pick you up tomorrow?"

"Sure! Wanna come inside?"

He nods and takes you hand as you walk inside. You take of your coat and walk to the living room. You and Tony were together for a month now so he knew his way around the house.

He walks to the kitchen and comes back with to glasses filled with whiskey.

He gives you a glass and sits down next to you. You take a sip and puts the glass on the coffee table.

You lay your head on his chest and he puts an arn around you.


"Yes?" You ask curious

"Can i tell you something?" He asks with a smile

You nod and he puts his glass beside yours.  You look him in the eyes.

"I love you" he says soft

The smile on your face grows a lot more.

"I love you too" you say with a smile. The pick you up and you sit down on his lap which led to a make-out session.


As you slowly woke up you felt Steve stroke you hair slowly. You loved this man and you thought it was time to finally tell him.

The two of you were spooning so he didn't see your face.

He stopped playing with your hair and laid his head in your neck. His warm breath gave you goosebumps.

"Goodmorning baby" you say soft

"Hmhmm" he mumbled

"I didn't understand a word of that babe"

"I said: Good morning Darling" he says a little bit louder

"That's better"

You turned around so you were facing him.

His hair was really messy and it looked really frinking cute. So you just said that.

"God you look cute" you say giggling

He blushes and buries his head into your body and the pillows.

"Steve, i love you" you say with a smile.

He looks up from the pillow with a smile.

"I love you too"

You press a smile kiss against his lips.


You were training with Natasha and Bucky was talking with Steve on the other side of the room.

"Let's take a break" Nat says. You nod and walk over to Bucky and Steve.

Bucky spreads his arms and you walk into his arms. He turns your around and hugged you from the back.

"God you to looks so cute together!" Steve almost yells

"Yes my Doll looks pretty cute today" Bucky says while intertwining his fingers with yours.

What he says makes you blush and you look up to see his face. He just presses a kiss onto your lips.

"Y/n lets get started again" Nat says

Bucky lets go of you. You give him one last kiss

"I love you"

Tge words leave his mouth as soon as our lips aren't connected anymore.

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