Just so you know <Natasha>

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The cold room she sat is was different. Different without her. There was no more joy in the room. The same room that Y/N And Natasha had shared so many night. In the cold room sat Y/N. Not even crying anymore. She was just staring at the wall. The last words she said to her repeating again and again and again.

Clint and Nat were leaving for Vormir and Y/N aas helping Thor and Groot on Asgard.

Before Y/N disappeared she held her hand and Told her.

"Just so you know, I love you"

"I love you too, Nat" She smiles as she pressed her lips against hers for the so maniest time.

Since she found out that Nat had sacrificed herself to save the world, she hadn't spoken a word.

"Still nothing?" Clint asked Steve as he entered the building worried.

"Nothing, she just sits in her room and stares at the wall." He sighed deeply

"I might have something to help her" Clint announced as he showed a usb stick.

Clint opened her bedroom door. She didn't even respond at the opening of the door. He sat down on her bed.

"If you're here to make me feel better, you can better leave" she told him.

"Listen Y/N." She directed her eyes at him so they were staring at each other.

"Nat wouldn't have done what she did if there was another way. She saved the world"

That's when she broke down.

"I just miss her so much, I miss her so freaking much, Clint" she started sobbing uncontrollably as Clint wrapped his arms around her.

"I have something for you to watch" He told her after a couple of minutes.

He stuck the usb in her laptop and played a video.

He left the room and the video started playing.

Her voice was what started to be heard.

Y/N looked up to see a sad Natasha smiling at the screen.

"Hi, My love. If you get this video it mean I died in the battle. And I think that this makes this a sort of goodbye video.

Remember the first time we met? You were working with Tony and I was undercover for Shield. You were so extremely nice to everyone. All I could think about was how wonderful person like you could work for a asshole like Tony freaking Stark.

She remembered. Ofcourse she did. She was totally hear over heels for Natalie Rushman.

Remember when I asked you out awkwardly? Because I do. It was one of Tony's terrible party's. Everyone was looking at us but you didn't care when you asked me to dance with you.

Have I ever told you that dancing with you was my favorite thing to do in the entire world?

She knew. It was ofcourse also her favorite thing to do with Nat.

Remember when I asked you to be mine? It was after all of the Ultron troubles. I remember that day so very clear. I think I could tell every little detail of it.

You looked so cute. I came by your house and you were wearing a red tshirt with black sweat pants. You had Tony over but I didn't care when I kissed you and asked you to be mine. It was all I ever wanted. It's all I still really want.

Please, Y/N. Promise me to not be to sad about it. I nust want you to remember how much I actually love you. You might have lost me bit you have so many more people.

And just so you know. I love you"

She started crying nonstop. Close t entered the room and held her close till she was ready to leave her room again. All she needed was closure.

Still not over Nat's death

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