New Years Eve

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You were sitting with Nat on a couch as almost all of the Avengers were partying. Tony's wasn't there. He had a meeting and you were face timing him right now with Nat. She was your best friend and didn't want you to be alone right now. You were 8 months pregnant with boy twins and you really wanted Tony to be here.

"I'm so sorry sexy, I really want to be there with you but i just can't make it" he says with a sad face

"Its ok Tony, Nat is with me"

Everybody starts counting down.

You stare at Tony. He is counting with them. You walk to your friends and start to count with them. A tear rolls over your cheek as Nat holds your hand. Tony hang up on you. You really wanted to talk to him.


I'm not holding Nat's hand!

It's a men's hand!

I turn my head to see Tony stand beside me with a smile


He says with the others.

You cry outloud out of happiness. You press your lips against his and you smile after the kiss


"I could miss my first New Years Eve with my three Favorite persons" he says while putting a hand on your belly.

"Happy new year, hot stuff" he says grinning

"You had to ruin the moment didn't you? Happy new year Tony"

"Happy New year Ethan and Noah" Tony says to your belly.

New Years Eve wasn't a big thing for you and Steve. The two of you decided to keep it small with organizing a small party with just Sam, Nat, Wanda, Pietro the two of you ofcourse. All of you sat on the couch and were laughing. On the tv the time was counting down by second.

You were cuddled up against Steve's chest while listening to a story Pietro was telling about his time in Wakanda.

"So when I was completely healed I had a amazing time there. I got new running stuff and I was happy. But i got homesick so i returned to my sister" he smile.

"We're glad you're back Piet" I smile.

Steve hugs me more tight.

"I want to say something" Steve smiles

"When I first got out of the ice I didn't know what was going on and all of you really helped me to become me again. So I'm so grateful for all of you"  he says

You press your lips against his.

"I love you Steve"you say

"I love you too Y/N"

"Ieuw get a room guys" Sam laughs

"Guys, ten seconds" nat says

You all walk to the window and look outside.


"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone shouts

You hug Steve tight and he holds you. It's the perfect moment.

You were in Asgard with Thor. Thinking about your friends at home who you would miss. Ofcourse you were happy that you could be with Thor on New Years Eve but you missed your brother and the team.

You were snuggled up against Thor's chest and he was playing with your hair.

I were reading a book but a small tear rolled down your cheek. You were so homesick. Luckily Thor didn't notice so you kept reading your book.

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