Bucky <Love Yourself>

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TW: Mention of self-harm💔


You looked into the mirrow. You were discussed with the view. You thought your were fat, ugly, your eyes weren't special and you thought people talked bad about you behind your back.

You had some friends. Ofcourse but they were more people you worked with.

Being a shield agent was really hard. Always working and not knowing who to trust was complicated.

You actually have thought about making a end to it all a lot. But there were people that you would hurt. All you did was trying to lose weight by puking it all out.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door.

You walked to the door to open it and the person appeared to be Steve Rogers.

"Hey, Tony is having a party and asked if you wanted to come."

"Yeah I'll be downstairs in a minute"


You decided not to wear a dress because you didn't feel confident enough right now.

You fixed your make-up because your eyes were kinda red of all the crying.

"Lets go"


The party appeared to be a couple of your friends.

Tony, Clint, Natasha, Wanda, Steve, Rhodey, Bruce, Thor, Maria and Bucky.

Bucky Barnes. The guy you had a crush on but you knew that he could never love somebody like you.

He still was your best friend and knew almost everything about you. Expect the way you thought about yourself. That you hated yourself and your body.

"Guys lets play truth or dare" Tony said. He was kinda drunk. You didn't want to play but it maybe could help and you could have fun. Making all the negative emotions go away.

I probably wouldn't work but it was worth a try.


"Y/n Truth or dare?" Steve asked. After a couple of rounds. You didn't have fun at all. Almost everyone wad drunk except for Steve and Bucky

"Truth" you said bored

"What are you most insecure about?"

Tears started to form in your eyes. Ofcourse thus question. You didn't let the tears steam down tyour face because you didn't want anyone to know about it.

"My body, i don't like it and i wish i had another body" you say with a soft voice.

Buckys eyes burned in your eyes. He could see you were almost crying. It made youbfeel worse. You stoed up and ran to your room without saying anything.

As you entered your room you grabbed a chair and threw it against the wall making it break in a couple of pieces. A lot more stuff broke in those couple of seconds.

Before you knew it your hand had broken the mirror. It was bleeding like crazy so you ran to the bathroom. As you wrapped it in papper you thought of something.

With a piece of glass you could do horable thing. Making a end of all of this bullshit.

You picked up a piece of glass and held it against your wrist. Tears were streaming over your cheeks and loud cries escaped your mouth.

You locked the door but you could hear someone try to break it down so you had to do what you wanted to do fast. Just as you wanted to push the glass in your arm you felt two arms wrap around you. You dropped the glass and cried. You broke down. What did just happen. Did you really try to kill yourself? You knew the person that was holding you because the cold metal arm was wrapped around you.

You lost track of time because you didn't know what happend. You knew Bucky had cleaned your wounded hand. You heard him yell your name multiple times. Also he was crying. He looked broken. You broke his hart. What did i do!

"Im sorry" is the only thing that comes out of my mouth. Still loud cries are able to be come out of my mouth.

"Expain it to me. Please u don't understand."

You nod slowly.

"I hate myself Buck. Im just so done with everything. I can't do any of this anymore."

"Why do you hate yourself? How long had this been going on?"

"Just a couple of years, I hust think im fat and that im ugly."

"How could you say that! Your beautiful. Ypu know how many girl would kill for your body?"

"Please don't lie to me Buck"

"Im not lying, You are one of the most beautiful persons I've ever met. I love everything thing about you. It hurst me that you don't love yourself."


"No let me talk. You are going home with me. Im going to be with you everywhere. I want you to know how gorgeous you are."

"Buck i can't do that"

"Why not Y/n, Please explain it"

"I can't because i love you, and i can't be around you knowing you don't feel the sam-....."

Time to finish is something you didn't have because his lips were pressed agains yours.

"I love you to doll, please come with you so you have time to heal an learn to love yourself"

You smiled weakly.

"Ok" you say soft

"And tomorrow i will take you out as my girlfriend"

He pressed his lips against yours again.

"I swear on my life, i will help you to love yourself again"

This is the first requested one. Its probably shit but i hope you don't think the same way about it

Xx Robin

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