Be Alright <Wanda>

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You had to run away with Steve and Nat after you chose Steve's side in his fight with Tony. You were pretty sad because it meant that you had to leave your best friend and crush alone with Vision.

Wanda broke out, said goodbye to you and ran away with the promise to stay save. 

When you walked into the quinjet a long time after Steve told you she and Vision were in danger.  As fast as you could you put on your suit and flew to the place with Steve, Nat and Sam. Everybody could see in your eyes how worried you were.

Steve dicided to walk up to you and talk.

"Y/N, we will get Wanda save here. You know that right?" He asked and you nodded slow.

"I know, Steve. Im just worried to death. If anything happend to her i would never forgive myself" You said with a soft tone in your voice.

He gave you a hug as the plane landed. Steve walked to a side, Sam flew up to the roof and you joinded Nat. When Steve gave you a sign, Nat and you joined the field and started fighting. 

The bad guys felt and you ran up to Wanda. Her arms flew around your neck and you cried  in her arms. Tears rolled over your cheek and so were they rolling on her cheeks.

"I was so worried" You cried 

"Im not leaving you, Y/N. We will be alright" She sobbed.

All of us helpen Vision on the Quinjet andd it flew to the base in Wakanda.

You sat on a desk, thinking about what would have happend if you lost Wanda. You couldn't help but let another tear roll over your cheek. You really loved her and not just in a 'best friends' way. Wanda notticed something was wrong and took you hands. 

"Y/N, what's wrong?" She asked worried

"I can't lose anymore people in my life. I already lost everyone i loved i am not ready to lose you too" You sobbed softly.

She placed her hand on your cheek and her finger sarted playing with you hair.

"Y/N, I promise you im never leaving you. We will be alright. And if we go we go together" she smiled weakly.

You stared into her beautiful eyes and she did the same. Her body was really close to yours. God.... You wanted to kiss her so bad. So you did. You leaned in and presses your lips against hers. 

You were suprised when she kissed back immidiatly. Her arms wrapped around you neck and started going through your hair. You broke the kiss when someone called your name. 

"Wanda, Y/N" You heard Steve say. 

imbarresed you looked around and saw everyone starring at the two of you.

"I hate to distured this beautiful moment of love but we have to come up with a plan." Steve smiles. Wanda holds your hand and turns to face the group. 

Nat, who stood on your other side whispered 

 "Took you long enough"

In your ear.

You smiled and turned to face, Wanda who pecked your lips.



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