Save place <Bucky>

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You wrapped your arms around Bucky's waist as he drove the motorcycle on the highway. On your left way Steve with Nat on the back. The four of you were in Russia after a mission to take down Hydra.

It started snowing really bad a couple of minutes ago. Steve almost lost control on the motorcycle so Bucky decided that we should hide somewhere.

"Steve, its not safe. We should hide." Bucky said through the earpiece.

"Ok, there is a save place in a couple of minutes." Steve said.

Maybe 10 minutes later you walked inside of a giant wooden cabin. You took of the helmet and sat down on the couch that was in the room.

"There are four room. Ladies, go and claim you one you like we will take the other ones." Bucky said.

"Thanks guys"you smiled. You grabbed your bag and walked to one of the rooms. You dropped the bag and closed the door. You dressed into your normal clothes and walked to the guys again. Bucky and Steve were sitting in front on the fire place.

"I give up, I can't make fire" Bucky stays angry.

Steve also gives up.

You walk to the fireplace and within 10 second you have started the fire. The second you sit down on the couch again Bucky sits down next to you. He is not touching you or something but like that but you have the biggest crush on him and it's killing you. He is your best friend so why would you tell him. What if he doesn't feel the same way. Then everything thing is ruined. Then you would rather stay friends if you had to. You freeze and start to read the book that you brought.

"Guys I'm hungry" Nat said

"Hi Hungry, I'm Y/N" I said laughing.

"Not funny Y/N, I'm starving" she whines

"Hi starving my name is Bucky" He said while give you a fist bump.

"This house has a kitchen with food. Y/N, you are the best chef out of us so can you fix something?" Steve asks

"Yeah sure, might need some help though?" You said

"Of course, you yell out names and we will be with you" Bucky said. You nod and walk into the big kitchen.


Half an hour later you are almost done making the food but you still need a little help.

"Nat, can you help me a sec?" You ask loud

A couple of seconds later Bucky walk in the room.

"Nat didn't want to move and Steve was busy so I'm helping you" He says sweet

"Thank you Buck" you say

"What do I need to do?" He asks

"Can you keep stirring the soup? I need to grab something out of the oven." You asks. He nods and you give him the spatula. You run to the oven to take out the bread. You run back and drop it on to a plate because it's really hot.

"Auw" you whine

Bucky turns around.

"You ok?" He asks worried

"Yeah, I just kinda burned my hand" You say soft.

"Come here" Bucky says while putting the stove on a low fire.

You walk his way and he takes your hand. He presses his lips against it and smiles at you.

You being the blushing mess that you are just giggle a little bit.

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