Sebastian Stan <Interview>

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You played as a marvel character. You played Bucky Barnes's love interest. It wasn't hard to love him in the movie because you loved him in real life and he loved you. The two of you lived together and he was lucky to call you his fiance.

You were getting ready for a comic con panel with Evans, Downey, Scarlett, Mackie, Tom Holland, Elizabeth Olsen, and Ofcourse some other cast members and Ofcourse Sebastian.

As you were getting ready with Elizabeth and Scarlett

You were wearing a nice white pants with a glittery top

You were wearing a nice white pants with a glittery top

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you asked them something.

"Girls, I talked to Sebastian and he agreed to my question"

"What did you want to ask us?" Lizzie asks.

"Well. Since the two of you are my best friend, and the fact that I'm getting maried in a couple of months i wanted to ask if the two of you wanted to be my bridesmaids?"

"Of course!" They both said at the same time

You gave them a hug


You walked onto the stage and the entire audience bursted out in yells. People screaming your name. Commenting about your outfit. How much they love you and your character.

You sit down beside Sebastian and Downey sits on your other side. Sebas takes your hand and holds it.

You hear some in the audience say


You giggle soft and the interviewer starts.

"Hello and welcome the cast of Marvel Infinity war!!"

"It's nice to see all of you! Can you introduce you're self to the audience?"

Everybody nods

After a little bit of time it's Sebastian's turn

"My name is Sebastian Stan" he smiles

Then it's your turn

"Hii my name is Y/N Y/L/N"

"But soon it will be Y/N Stan" Sebastian says. Making the audience go wild.

"And this is the kind of relationships that is the best!" Downey says loud.

When the name round ends the interviewer starts talking again.

"So we are going to let the audience ask you guys some questions. The first one will be. Kate Jones"

A girl stand up from the middle

"So I know that the woman's in this movie are awesome. I love you Scarlett, Y/N and Elizabeth. But i wanted to ask if you guys do most of your own stunts?"

"We all have stunt doubles but Y/N actually did all of her own stunts this movie" Scarlett says hyping out the audience.

You laugh loudly

"The next one!" The interviewer says.

After a couple of questions there is another one for you.

"Y/N, Sebastian. First if all? Congrats on the engagement ment. I wanted to ask if your cast mates are invited?"

"Yes they are all invited!" You smile.

"Chris is my best man" says Sebastian proud while giving Evans a fist bump

"We are the bridesmaids!" Says Elizabeth happy while pointing at Scarlett.

You had a lot more plans. Like Robert Downey Jr daughter. She was going to be the flower girl as Robert walked you down the aisle. Him being your best male friend and your own father passing away.

Then another question came. It was the last question of the night. The most special one to you.

"Do you ever think about children?"

You look at Sebastian and he nods. Then you nod at the show director. The giant monitor in the back light up and shows a picture of your belly with a small embryo in it.

The entire audience gasps at the news. So does the entire cast.

Lizzie and Scar run op to you and give you a big hug. When they walk away you give Sebastian a kiss on the lips.

The only one who new were Downey and Chris.

What nobody knew except you and Sebastian was the named that you would pick for the baby.

For the Boy you were going with:

'Thomas Anthony Stan'

And for the girl it would be:

'Jane Elizabeth Stan'

Ok so this is a Sebastian Stan one. It's not requested but I just thought it was cute.



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