perfect place*(chapter 2)

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I sat all night in my apartment and looked over places I could visit for a month as I needed a long break. A break from everything, I saw a couple of places I found interesting. After some time I found the perfect place.

It looked like I was visiting south Africa. I could not wait to leave. I spent the whole week packing and booking a flight I even made a visa.

Everything was ready after a week, finally I could escape my troublesome life for awhile. I sent my father an email when the flight was high up in the sky.

He sent me some pretty angry messages but I did not care no one was going to stop me from having my peace after so many years. After a few hours in the flight we finally arrived.

I took my large suitcases and looked around the airport. Finally I saw a dark skinned woman holding a board with my name on it.

She truly was a beautiful woman with braids tied neatly in a ponytail.
"Hello miss I'm  Ajax Tailor", "Mr Tailor it's  very nice  to meet you and welcome to South Africa.We've hired a car for you that will take you to your hotel. I hope your stay here in South Africa will be enjoyable.

My name is Patricia by the way and I'll be your escort for a week then I'll go back to my work". "Thank you miss Patricia".

We got into the car and boy it was a long ride to the hotel. Finally we arrived and it was the middle of the night. I could not believe the ride lasted for so long. I yawned as the hotel staff took my stuff into the hotel. I followed Patricia, to the reception area. I got the key to my room when I got there I immediately fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up confused about where I was, then finally remembered so I felt a slight tug at my lips as if they wanted to form a smile. That would have looked kind of odd. I never smiled so I didn't know how I looked when I did. I took a relaxing shower then ate a fulfilling breakfast before I followed Patricia, as she showed me around the place.

I had to admit KwaZulu Natal was a beautiful place, the green that adorned the vast of it , the clean flowing rivers, the beautiful huts. It was like a traditional place from my dreams . I've always loved nature so felt really connected with mother nature in that place.

A week past and Patricia, left. I decided to explore on my own. I passed many people on the road wearing their traditional clothing, it looked really amazing.

I went toward the river hoping to have a little swim. I walked slowly, taking in the scenery around me." lOOK OUT PALE BOY!!" a booming voice shouted and I was startled yet I did as I was told and fell to the side.

My eyes widened, at what they were chasing, it was a wild bore I was so scared it would stomp me but luckily it just passed by me at an unbelievable speed. I was still frozen on the on the ground when I noticed a shadow blocking my sunlight.

I looked up cautiously, and there stood a tall, dark and handsome man. His cheek bones looked to have been curved by God himself, his light brown eyes were cold and calm. His muscles were lean and glittered when the sun hit on it perfectly.

"You look dazed" a calm but deep voice spoke. I shook my head to bring myself back to reality. "I'm sorry" I said with my head down showing my timid nature. "You don't have to be sorry Dali".

He then held out his hand to me, I took it hesitantly. His grip was firm yet gentle when he held my hand. I looked up at him, and I gasped he was really tall compared to me.

"You don't have to look so scared I won't hurt you". I just looked at him and finally spoke ,"I'm Ajax Tailor,you are?" he smirked somehow and looked at me up and down. "Sthembiso Khaya".

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