wedding day (1)* (chapter 20)

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Our wedding day came quicker than expected , my grandfather had come a few days before that. I was amazed when I met him , his husband and my uncle.

My uncle is very identical to my father I found out their twins which was kind of odd since he seemed very different from my father. Looking at him I finally saw how my father would look if he tried to smile .

Very handsome. Mariam, taught them about the roles they had to play at the wedding ceremony. Since my wedding day had finally come , I sat on a chair as Mariam and Lebo fixed me up.

They put all the beads on me and the last touch was the traditional hat . I had to admit I looked good , too good really.

We finally left the house and the ceremony began , first was the sitting on the mat , then the gifts , the bed and the speeches.

Throughout the whole ceremony , the queen mother's face was unsightly and Nina, openly glared at me , talk about making me uncomfortable at my own wedding ceremony.

Finally we had the food and drinks , I was happy about that part , I love food after all. My husband had his signature stoic expression throughout the whole ceremony.

I did not mind though , I liked that only I got to see his other expressions. Mariam, looked at me and smirked , her expression was really mischievous.

"Ajax , I've got condoms you know" my eyes went wide at that , "why do you have those ?" I asked my voice all but a whisper.

"For protection ofcaurse, tonight might get heated" , my cheeks spotted a red hue at her words , I hoped Sthe, did not hear her . I did not want him to get any ideas , my chrysanthemum was on the line , I was not going to risk it.

"Sister in law , we won't be needing those so you can keep them , I plan to make him round with my child you know".

My eyes widened once more , was I really married to such a shameless man? I began to question my decision once more. Strangely in my heart I felt very happy , "round with your child? You must be insane".

The queen mother said with an unhappy tone of voice. She began to laugh, "enjoy tonight , you don't know it might be your last" . Her words send cold shivers up my spine .

I felt my body tremble because of the sudden chill that washed all over me . Everyone looked at me with pitiful eyes and I hated it. My grandfather looked at me too and his eyes were asking what was going on .

I just shrugged as if it was nothing , but I knew it was something , something beyond me . The woman was after my life , I touched the bead necklace that grandma gave to me and instantly a strange calm washed over me .

I avoided the queen mother's eyes the whole ceremony , either than that ,my wedding day was a blast if I do say so myself . Immediately after the ceremony Sthe, picked me up bridal style and took me to our marital hut.

I was really nervous , he placed me gently on the soft bed and looked into my eyes , his eyes glimmering with a certain fire filled passion I've never seen before and slowly he leaned down and our lips met .

I pulled him closer and like that he made love to me ever so gently.

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