they return*(38)

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Time had past since I forgave Nina , and to tell the truth I was really happy I forgave her since I gained a new friend.

I told Sthe , about what happened and he picked me up with a warm smile and span me around , he told me "Dali , I'm very proud of you " our two chipmunks were giggling the whole time which made my heart warm.

I was proud of what I had done and turns out grandma ,was just as proud of me as I was of myself since I heard her voice in my mind, of cause her being proud was not the only reason she spoke to me .

" Ajax , I'm so proud of you child you did very well ,I have news though . The ones who birthed you will soon come , child prepare your heart . Listen is all I'll tell you the rest is up to you.  Whatever you choose will decide their fate. Until next time child , stay happy" after hearing her words I froze still in Sthe's arms. 

My heart beat loudly and I held on tightly to him , "what's wrong Dali?" He asked his voice sounding worried." Their coming Sthe " he frowned a bit at my words .

" Who is coming?" I looked up with teary eyes , " my parents Sthe , I bet their coming to cause trouble , why else would they want to see me after two years" Sthe , sighed and kissed my lips gently , his smile was warm and loving as he looked at me. 

" Dali , do not assume their purpose for coming to our home , let us wait and see what they will do" I knew he was right but I refused to listen for some reason . In my mind my parents have never been good and it was true , they have never treated me like a person and I had gotten used to being their puppet .

Now that I was free of their shackles I did not want to go back.  I realised at that moment why I was reluctant to meet them , I was afraid of feeling it again , the pain of loosing my parents .

Although I tried to deny it I could never do it.  I loved my parents I truly did , me and Nina , truly were the same when it came to that aspect , we just wanted our parents to love us back .

" Worry not Dali, with me here nothing will happen" I smiled a teary smile at that.  I truly loved my husband , he never failed to cheer me up .

" Your right I'll listen to you " he looked at me with those deep brown eyes of his and smirked , "I feel like going for a swim" .

My eyes widened at those words and my cheeks spotted a red hue. " Sthe , please stop being a pervert " his chuckle after I spoke was deep and husky making my body Slightly heat up . I realised I was still in his arms .

" Put me down , I don't feel very safe in your arms at this moment" , " oh , why not Dali?" His voice was full of mischief as he squeezed my bum a bit .

I gasped shocked then hit him which of cause ended up with me hurting my poor hands and he just laughed. I was about to scold him when Joy , spoke .

" Mama , what is a pervert?" I gasped at his question and glared at Sthe . I felt so ashamed since I forgot our two boys were in the same room as us .

" Dear children should not ask that or the big dragon will take them away at night"  Joy , looked shocked at my words . " The big bird that breathes fire mama?" He asked sounding slightly scared .

" Yes baby child " , " I don't want it to take me mama " he said running to us .

I chuckled then became serious " I won't let it take you baby child if you never ask me that question okay " he nodded very quickly I kind of got worried his head will fall off. I loved how naive children could be.

" I'll protect you JoJo"  Gift , spoke with his soft voice . I looked at him feeling very proud , "no , I'll protect Gigi", Joy , said puffing up his chest , I smiled as Sthe , put me down. I hugged the two and gave them both loving kisses .

" Now that your done having fun with your mother go and play with your friends boys , Sthe , said to the boys who nodded happily .

" Okay papa!!" The two yelled running out of our room . " Now how about my offer to take a swim?" Sthe ,asked holding on to my waist , he laid gentle kisses on my neck and I shivered .

" I'm sorry Mr Khaya, I can't take your offer because a man once told me that if I ever get naked in his presence my waist will ache" I spoke innocently while smiling secretly to myself .

I wanted to go and swim in the river but honestly Sthe , had zero self control . Yes my husband could not keep his hands to himself , can you believe it? well if you don't you should.

" That man must have been stupid to tell you that luckily I'm your husband . You can naked infront of me anytime " I shook my head with a warm smile and turned so I can kiss him better .

We did not go to the river since my husband could not wait even a moment longer to have me . My waist ached but I was happy , very happy.

A week past and I decided to just sit with my family and chat.  The whole of that particular day I was restlessness , I did not know why so it got me on edge and Sthe, noticed.

" What's troubles you Dali?" He asked gently and I sighed , " I don't know Sthe" .   Sthe , was about to speak when Gift, came running to us on his chubby short legs.  It was kind of cute .

" Mama , papa , their here " he said when he finally reached us . Sthe , was shocked by his words and looked a bit curious. " My parents have arrived Sthe " I said fear striking me stronger than I expected. I looked up as a car parked just infront of our house .

Grandfather , got out first followed by grandpa Titan and uncle Sona  . Finally the people I  wanted to forget yet longed to see got out of the car. Their appearance shocked me .

For a moment I wondered if they were truly my parents . My mother , had always been a beautiful woman , always adorned with expensive jewelry and dresses , her make-up always on point but the woman who stood infront of me at that moment was not the same .

She looked old and sad . She was not wearing any make- up , she was not wearing her jewelry and even her clothes looked too casual and poor. 

A simple brown skirt , blue shirt and black pumps. My sight went to my father and he was just as old , his clothes were also too casual , not his usual expensive suit.  Even his imposing aura that I was used to was not there .

To say I was stunned seeing them would have been an understatement. I looked at them for a long time without uttering a single word .

"Ajax " my father called out and his voice sounded lower that it used to , it was not as powerful as it used to be .

I did not answer him as he called my name , it seemed as if I was still frozen . "Are those our grandchildren?" Mother asked softly . Those words woke me up from my daze and I finally spoke.

_____________________________________ubdate everyone 😘

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