My little girl*(43)

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Nina and the baby were very healthy and their family celebrated the birth of the baby . I was of cause invited to the celebration by Nina , who did not care what her in laws thought  about it.

I was happy she was my friend , the problem seemed to be our sons . Olwethu , seemed to always want to be in Gift's presence . I was glad Nina , was a bit ignorant and did not think much about it.

A month past since Nina's son was born . Not much happened after that to be truthful . I was the only one who brought drama with my rotten luck anyway.

One early morning I woke up earlier than usual . I wanted badly to take a walk to the river which was odd since I never really went there without my husband.

"Dali , where are you going?" Sthe , asked in his sexy , sleepy voice. " I'm going to take a stroll to the river" . " Why are you going to the river at 4:00 am in the morning?" .

" I don't know Sthe , I just want to go there " he nodded and got off the bed . " Let's go " I followed him out of the house. We held hands as we enjoyed the morning breeze.

"Child are you ready to welcome your own child to the world" grandma , asked and I was first startled then fear gripped onto me like a vine and refused to let go.

I was not ready at all , I could not stay calm at that moment and Sthe , noticed. " Dali, are you alright ?" I could not talk with all the trembling.

We finally got to the river and my water broke . I shook intensely and looked at Sthe , with teary eyes , " Sthe , she's coming " he was shocked but unlike the last time he was quicker.

He lifted me off the ground and was about to run back home when Grandma , spoke." The river wishes to bless you and your child Ajax , tell him to dip you in it for a moment then go back" I nodded though confused.

" Sthe , dip me into the river quick then go back" he looked at me confused yet did not question me , he just did as I told him . Finally he ran with my wet body back home.

He told Mariam , to call the mid wife since the hospital was a little further from us and I could not drive that far I was in so much pain. Sthe , was even more nervous and I could tell he was just as frightened as I was .

A bad experience was really too hard to forget . I prayed that this time it would be different . " Child worry not within a few hours you will be holding your baby girl in your arms " I wanted to believe her I truly did.

I kept stroking the bead necklace so it can offer me some protection . Soon , Naomi ,the mid wife in her early sixties arrived. She looked like she had experience so I did not doubt her.

I only looked at her in tears , " if I don't make it please save my child , I want her to see the world , I want her to see her motherland" Naomi , nodded in understanding.

" I will do as you wish but in my capable hands both you and your child will be just fine" after she spoke a contraction hit me so hard I trembled and bit my lip to stop myself from screaming.

That did not work so well as I screamed anyway as another hit me . This went on for hours before Naomi , told me I was ready and could push .

I did as told and pushed with all I had . What was running through my mind at that time , was I could not wait for my baby to be born . I would love her so much, with all my heart .

After a lot of pushing I heard a baby's cry . I sighed in relief seeing I was still alive . I actually wept . I was alive. Naomi , took my child and went to clean her up . After a few minutes she entered the room with Sthe , and our newborn in his arms .

"Dali, you did a good job , she's very beautiful , she has your eyes ". I smiled even though I was so exhausted . I told him to hand the baby over to me . He did and I cried some more looking at her.

" She's so beautiful Sthe" I looked up at him with a teary smile . " I know Dali , after all her mother is equally as beautiful" my cheeks turned crimson at that.

He bend down and claimed my lips with his . " What should we name her ?" I asked him curiously. " Well since the river wanted to bless you I'll name her Lwandle , which means the sea" .

" That is a good name then I'll call her sky " I looked up at everyone who had just entered the room . " Everyone meet our new addition , Lwandle sky Khaya" .

Everyone looked honestly happy to meet the caramel skinned little girl . She was not dark chocolate nor was she white . She was just perfect in my eyes . A sure combination between me and Sthe.

I looked at my two little boys who were trying their best to see their little sister yet were too short to climb on the bed . I thought It was really cute.

" Mama , we want to see her " Joy , said with a pout. " Uh huh , mama , we want to meet her" I smiled and looked at Sthe . He picked the two up and put them next to me .

" Mama , why are her eyes closed ? Is she blind?" Joy asked curiously. I laughed at that . " No Angel , she is not blind , she is still a baby you were also like this " Joy gasped in horror.

" No mama , I could see when I was a baby" everyone laughed at that.  Gift , just giggled at his silly little brother. " She is cute mama " I nodded .

"Dali , you look exhausted you should take some rest after feeding her " I looked at Sthe , with love in my eyes . He was always so caring.

" I know " I was glad my little girl did not have some weird future . " I told you child , you and your family are blessed you should always be happy "  I was happy when she said that . I knew I could finally live happily.

I looked at Gift , I hoped he would be alright. " She is blessed by the river mama , which means she will have eternal happiness" Gift , spoke looking at his little sister.

" Gift , in the future , you will also have eternal happiness" he looked at me and smiled somewhat sadly . " Mama , that is if he accepts me and destiny is not toyed with" .

I looked at him with pity and closed my eyes ." Grandma , should I give him the bead necklace for luck?"  I waited for a moment before she replied.

" No child , that is your gift from me , he will have his own worry not , Gift , will make it if he stays strong"  I nodded .

" Everyone leave I want to clean my wife up " Sthe , finally spoke and that is when I realised I was still covered in grime and blood .

He brought warm water and helped me clean up before I went to bed . I slept soundly and happily. The future I did not know but at that moment I knew one thing I was happy.

______________________________________ hey everyone here's an update . Only one chapter left , enjoy 😘

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