queen mother*(36)

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Everyone was happy when they saw us arrive , especially the king , Mariam , Lebo and their husbands who I had met for the first time. I should admit though , I thought they were pretty handsome . My husband was better though , still is.

We were all still chatting and catching up since everyone wanted to know my whole life story it seemed . I just indulged them and let them play with my little babies.

The boys seemed really happy to meet their new family members and that just made something in me very happy.

"You really gave birth to the boys?" Mariam , asked amazed . If only she knew how I had suffered giving birth to them .

I had promised myself that I'd never carry another child again , i was not about to seek death . What if next time I woke up in the underworld? Yep , I thought so , it was not a good idea.

As we were chatting I noticed something or someone was missing . "Where is the queen mother?" I asked looking at everyone. "She is sick , really sick " confessed Mariam .

I looked at them for a moment , "did you not take her to the doctor ?" I asked since I wanted to know her sickness perhaps she can be cured.

"Dear , no doctor knows what her illness is , we have tried all types of doctors, traditional doctors and even medical doctor but still nothing" I frowned at that .

I wondered what  was wrong with the queen mother. I admit I disliked the woman but I did not hate her therefore I would not wish any misfortune to befall her.

" Will she be alright?" I asked a little more concerned than I should have been . "Her condition is not looking good at all" Lebo , answered dejected.

I was about to ask another question when Gift and Joy , ran up to us . They looked really happy so for a moment I forgot the matter at hand . " Mama , I caught a frog! " Joy , yelled happily. I did not know if I should laugh or cry .

Was I raising a little jungle baby ? I looked at him with a warm smile . "Go and give it to your father , his with the other men outside " I said since I planned to make Sthe ,take care of it . Me and slimy creatures just did not get along.

Joy , ran outside happily but I noticed Gift , did not move. "She is being punished for trying to break what should not be broken" I looked at Gift , skeptically . "Who is being punished baby child ?" I asked curiously.

" The bad woman who wanted to hurt you mama " one name came to mind as he said that . The queen mother. I looked at Gift , " is there a way to help her?" After the question fell I noticed everyone was extra quiet. I looked around me and they all had strange expressions.

"Why are you asking a child that type of question ?" Lebo ,asked and she sounded very curious. " He knows the answer " I spoke looking at Gift .

" Go to her mama , if she says sorry and you forgive her then she will be well again " my heart beat a little quicker at his response.

Though I should have not, I decided to give the queen mother a chance . I believed strongly that all of us deserved second chances.

I asked Mariam , to show me where the queen mother lay and she happily did . I picked Gift , up and place him on my hip before we followed after Mariam.

We entered a room that was tightly shut that I felt uneasy just looking at it . I did not get why I was feeling that way so I decided to let it go. I entered the room with my child and my heart almost stopped literally ,if not for grandma's bead necklace then I'm sure I would have been dead .

"What are you doing here you evil child ?" Was the first thing the queen mother said when I finally composed myself .

" I want to help you " she laughed at that but somehow it sounded evil . It made me more uneasy. " You think I need help from someone as evil as you ?" Her words cut deep into my heart .

I looked through her with tears in my eyes , "what have I ever done to you ?" I asked since I needed to know. " You took my son from his rightful bride , the power that was promised to me , all gone just because of you " I looked at her confused. 

I was about to ask when gift spoke " papa is coming mama " I looked at him and nodded .

The queen mother , froze for a moment then laughed happily . "My son is coming  , now I can finally convince him to leave you white trash " I laughed for a moment but my eyes were still flowing with tears. 

I thought I could help her and seeing that I was wrong broke my heart .

Sthe , entered the room and looked at me, seeing my tear stained face he instantly became angry . "Dali, why are you here with this evil woman?" He asked not even bothering to look at his mother. 

" Gift , told me I could help her heal" , " yes you could but only if she was willing to let herself heal , an evil heart can repent only when the the owner is willing to change her ways , mother is clearly not willing so let her be" I looked at Sthe , and nodded .

He took my hand gently and we left the room.

I could hear the queen mother , yelling some pretty colourful profanities at me . I smiled to myself , hey what the hell was I being sad for , I had my husband and family with me .

I had more friends than I've had the first half of my life . Thinking this way made me happy so I held my head high and walked with my husband and child .

Like that we spent the first week in peace but as you know I can never rest . Just as I was finally taking a stroll by myself around the village after a lot of begging since my husband still did not trust I could stay out of trouble if I was alone .

Who knew a few kisses would convince him . I had finally caught a strong weapon to use against Sthe , my husband was weak to my sweet kisses.

Anyway I took a stroll around the village admiring how beautiful it was when I heard my name being called . "Ajax!" I turned since I did not recognise the voice.

I knew the young woman who had called me , although she looked a bit older than she should have and she also looked miserable."Nina , what can I do for you?" I asked her politely since I did not want to cause a scene knowing the woman's character.

"I mean no harm Ajax, I just wish to talk to you " the woman had never been more polite so I was surprised.

I was a bit hesitant to follow her til I heard grandma's voice in my mind " go with her dear and hear her story , what you do after it's for you to decide , just know her fate is in your hands " her words got me thinking hard at the end I decided to follow Nina.

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