our happy days*(44)

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Many years had passed and of cause my misfortunes were probably forgotten.

Anyway I could not have been happier . The king had finally retired as king and surprisingly he gave his seat as king to Sthe .

Sthe's brothers were cool with it since one just wanted to be a great hunter and one wanted to spend more time with his family.

So yeah I became the first white Zulu queen , I don't know though there might have been others before me .

Being queen could be a bit taxing but I was happy to see that everyone became more accepting of me. It made me truly happy.

My coronation as queen was a bit odd since just before I was crowned a strange light came from the sky and illuminated my whole body.

I probably looked like some fairy and it confused me . Til of cause grandma , clarified everything for me .

" Child our ancestors have blessed you and will also bless the queen after you , you will never meet misfortune again as long as you live"  when grandma , said that I cried.

Yes , I cried my eyes off , elegantly of cause , I was a queen after all I had to lead by example. I couldn't cry like a siren , that would have been truly shameful.

Days passed happily like that well they were supposed to accept Gift , kept having trouble with Olwethu. I did not get what was the problem seriously.

One evening I decided to ask Gift , " son , we need to talk" I know I probably sounded too serious talking to a seven year old but it could not be helped Gift , was a bit different from other children .

" Yes , mama , is everything alright ?" He asked me curiously. I nodded before I spoke , " what is the problem between you and Olwethu ?" .

He sighed before he spoke , " mama , it seems Olwethu , always thinks his right although his wrong and it's very annoying" .

I looked at him incredulously. " Baby boy , the boy is only five of cause he thinks his right" Gift , pouted then looked at me . " He seems to act a bit spoiled too ,he wants everyone to listen to him , what's so special about him?" .

My son left me speechless . So I could not say anything for a while not knowing what to say so I decided to show my son the right way to treat his future wife.

I knew how Olwethu , felt , I was just like him . I was very spoiled by my husband , always pining for his attention and I always wanted to be right even when I'm wrong.

I stood up and yelled "Sthe !!" The man came running to me with all his might and I smiled smugly. " Yes Dali?" He asked as he entered our sons' room . " Sthe , 1+1 = 11 I'm I correct ?" Sthe , nodded .

"I'm pretty smart ain't I Sthe ?" He nodded again .  " My Dali , is the smartest " my cheeks turned crimson at that and pecked his lips . " You deserve a reward for that " . He smiled and held me closer . " What are you doing Dali?" .

I looked up at him and pouted , "Sthe , I feel like eating fried steak" Sthe , smiled at me.  " I'll go and get it".

"I don't want it too overcooked but it must be cooked , the spices have to fit my taste or else I won't eat it".

" Whatever makes my Dali , happy " my husband is a danger to the kitchen but he sure can make a mean steak .

He kissed me before he left the room. I turned to look at Gift , and his jaw was on the floor . " Mama , you just acted like Olwethu " I chuckled at that . " Yes I did and did your father get angry ?" .

 I BECAME HIS ZULU BRIDEWhere stories live. Discover now