two?*(chapter 24)

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Two days had passed since I got the shocking news and to tell the truth I'm still shocked.

I know your wondering what news am I talking about ,well I'll tell you. After grandpa Titan , gave my carrot cake to me and I ate it like a starved man .

He told me the next day I had a doctor's appointment. Being me I did not like hearing that but I also did not throw a tantrum since I knew I needed to go and see a doctor.

The next day I sighed as I stood next to grandpa Titan, looking at the entrance of the hospital , to tell the truth I did not want to go in hence why we stood there staring at it like lost people.

I'm afraid of needles , those things hurt so no one can blame me for not going in. "Boy if you don't enter this hospital , I swear I'm going to carry you in" .

I looked at him and knew he'd do it , so we walked in . The doctor was actually very kind but that was not the problem ,the problem was the needle he was holding .

I looked at him wearily , my eyes narrowed as I stared at the needle , daring it to come closer to me and see what will happen . "Dear it won't hurt,it will be real quick" I  shook my head no .

"Ajax, if you don't let the doctor do her job then I won't make you the carrot cake ever again" , grandpa Titan , threatened , I gulped in and nodded , I let the doctor do her job with my eyes closed .

She took a lot of tests as if confirming something . "Mr Tailor, could you lay down for a bit? I need to confirm something" I did as I was told and she pressed on my lower abdomen making me hiss at the small throb of pain.

She nodded and then took a jell like thing , she poured it on my stomach and took  the sonogram machine , she moved the head over my stomach and gasped before she looked at me .

"Well , congratulations Mr Tailor, your a month and a half pregnant" . Hearing those words I saw dark spots invade my vision before everything turned dark.

The next I woke up was to a worried looking grandpa Titan, and a smiling doctor . "Grandpa Titan, I had the weirdest dream" he rose a brow , "in that dream, did the doctor tell you your pregnant ?" he asked.

"Yes, how did you know?" I asked curiously , "cause it's true and by the way your having twins" . My mind fell into chaos as many thoughts filled my mind .

I was going to be a father or was it a mother? Since I was the one carrying them . I was suddenly hit by a melancholy feeling , my husband was not with me , how could I raise two children alone , will he find me in time? I wanted him to , he had to .

I missed Sthe , his overbearing presence , his possessive yet protective demeanor , most of all his love filled eyes as they looked at me .

Would Nina , make a move on him while I was gone? , anger suddenly bubbled inside of me because of that . No , Sthe , was a good man he'd never cheat on me , I believed in him .

That night I fell asleep and had a dream that actually made me happy for once . Grandma visited me again , she told me that Sthe , would soon be coming for me , and that the necklace will protect me and the babies all the time even when Sthe , comes .

I was looking forward to the arrival of my husband . One thing though I was having twins , two , was that not a crowed? Oh well me and Sthe , will manage , I hope.

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