another stroll with the prince* (cp 7)

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I walked with Sthe, out of the palace. He looked at me without a word , "what is it?" I asked Feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Let's walk it's good for digestion" I nodded agreeing with him.

"I promised Mariam, I would learn cooking from her but I also wanted to go hunting with you". "It's okay you can just learn to cook that will be a useful skill for you in the future" he said calmly.

"I know how to cook Sthe, just not traditional food that's the kind of food I want to learn for now".

He nodded, "what do you wanna do then Dali?" He gazed apon me "I want to go hunting with you and the other men please" He nodded. "like I said stay close to me at all times". "I promise I will" , "good, wanna go to the river again?".

I nodded "I want to go for a swim" , "I told you Dali, it's not a good idea to get naked infront of me". "Why?" I asked a bit curiously. "You will find out in the future it will surely make your waist ache".

I narrowed my eyes at his words but I really wanted a swim, "how about I go alone". "Too many eyes, that will make me uneasy". "It's fine I'm a man what's there to be ashamed about?", "You are too defenceless Dali, really you should be more careful".

I frowned, as I could not understand his words, I mean what was wrong with a man taking a little swim by the river. I sighed ,"then I'll lay down under the shade of that big Oak tree".

He nodded and took my hand pulling me to the tree. We both sat down, it was so cool I felt a bit sleepy, so I closed my eyes only for a moment and I was out like a light.

When I woke up it was Getting a bit darker and I realised I was sleeping on someone's shoulder. I was startled and immediately began a string of apologies. "I'm so sorry Sthe, I did not mean to fall asleep just like that".

"It's okay just stand I'll walk you to your hotel room". I nodded and stood up. I stumbled a bit and fell into his embrace, our gazes locked and I could not look away. It was as if I was stuck looking at his brown eyes. What beautiful eyes he had.

"Come it's getting late or do you want me to carry you to your room?". "No" I said softly and moved away from his embrace albeit a bit reluctantly. I was surprised by my reluctance. My cheeks turned a shade of red and I walked a bit infront of him.

He did not say anything just followed me quietly. I looked around as we walked, truly the place was beautiful, the sunset shinning just above the mountains was mesmerising. I loved how it made the whole place so much more magical.

"Dali you need to eat some food, you need to have supper first before going to bed". "I know I'll have something to eat as soon as I get into the room, you don't need to worry yourself so much". "I'll always worry about you darling".

"Why?" He just smiled at my question and looked far ahead. I wondered what he was thinking. For some reason it irked me that I did not know what he was thinking.

I looked at his big hand that was not holding mine and I felt it was wrong for our hands to not touch one another. So I descreatly held his hand without looking at him. He tightened our hold and I felt somewhat content.

We walked in sweet harmony until we reached the hotel room and separated. I sighed missing his presence already what was even wrong with me?

 I BECAME HIS ZULU BRIDEWhere stories live. Discover now