it's time to go back home*(35)

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I was happy , I was finally happy.  Two years had passed and I had been living with my family in peace which was very rare as you probably know.

We decided to hold a birthday party for the twins as they were turning two. I had forgotten what grandma had told me since it had been a long time since I had last seen her.

The twins had grown up to be pretty smart , especially when it came to talking , I was really proud of them.

"Mama! " The twins yelled as they came into the house all muddy making me scrunch my nose in disgust. I had tried to make them stop calling me mama , since it was kind of hurting my male ego but they refused.

"Boys why are you both so dirty?" I asked in a stern tone. "We was playing mama " answered Joy , the mouth peace of the two , I swear the child  could never just shut it for a minute .

It was pretty cute how he defended Gift , the child was really protective of his brother and it was admirable .

"Your father better clean you chipmunks or his sleeping on the couch " I said with a sweet smile. My husband and I were having a disagreement on how the boys should be allowed to play. 

I really liked being clean so I preferred they played as safely as possible , he on the other hand wanted them to play wildly as if he was the one washing their dirty clothes , that always smelled weirdly for some reason.

"Dali, I'll give them a bath , don't worry about it " he said kissing my lips . I smiled at that , he knew just how to make me melt . My husband was the best , " tomorrow their having their birthday , is everything ready ? " I asked Sthe , since I tended to be worried easily about simple things .

" Everything is done Dali, you need to rest though, I'll finish the cooking in your place" , " no!" I said with a sweet kiss to his lips, " you just need to clean the twins up , i love you dear " he sighed then chuckled , "you don't want to take the risk of having our kitchen burn down ha" I blushed since I knew he saw through my act .

Just like that a night passed , the birthday party was really fun though exhausting , we only invited our family and neighbours. The kids were very happy which all I could ask for .

Alas ,  I was the king of bad luck so the happiness did not last . A week after the twin's birthday party , something strange happened . The twins fell sick . I was dead worried and I felt I had strongly forgot something.

"Doctor Larsson , please tell me what is the news , what's wrong with our boys ?" I asked already crying , Sthe , tried to comfort me but I wanted non of  that.  " I'm sorry Mr Khaya , but I can't find anything wrong with the boys , I've even consulted different specialist but the boys are healthy I broke down at that .

" How can my boys be healthy if they won't wake up?" I was angry , Sthe , held me tightly as I tried to fight with the doctor .

It was not his fault of cause , but he  was standing right there , where else was I supposed to vent out my frustration. I cried in Sthe's arms , we decided to visit a few more doctors but they said the same thing, the was nothing wrong with the twins.

Somehow I just became angrier , everything made me angry . Sthe , was there with me all the way . "It seems you forgot child , remember what was forgotten" and with those words , when I woke up , I immediately booked a flight to South Africa.

"Sthe , I hope they will be okay " he held me tightly and kissed my lips gently , " Dali , their going back to their motherland , don't worry the boys will recover" I believed him . I always believed my husband , I loved him after all.

As soon as we entered South Africa , I felt something within me calm down. I smiled "Sthe , we're home" I whispered my voice did not seem to want to go any higher. I looked at the boys and they were still asleep peacefully .

Unlike the other days I was not worried at all . Hekhule , came to pick us up and I was happy to see him . "Welcome home Makoti" he said with a warm smile .

" I'm happy to be home Hekhule" I would have given him a hug but someone would not let me get even a single metre close to Hekhule .

I sighed helplessly , my husband had not changed at all , he was still as protective as ever . We drove for a while before we arrived at our destination. 

I looked at the beautiful , green land with some nostalgia in my eyes. I walked into the village and just as I entered grandma spoke to me " welcome home child , now wake the boys up , their now home"  I nodded and shook the boys and as expected they woke up .

"Mama , papa , where are we?" Asked Joy, making me weep in happiness.  I cried while smiling , it was weird , but I did not care . "We are home JoJo", spoke Gift , making me a bit startled.

He looked at me and smiled " mama , the land welcomes us , can you hear it , it is singing " I frowned in confusion. "What?", "The land is happy mama , the land is singing" he said again .

I looked at Sthe , he seemed to be thinking the same thing as I was . Suddenly as we were still confused , Gift , turned to Hekhule ,and held out his hand . Hekhule, took the small hand and smiled " hello little one " he spoke with a happy voice.

Gift , said nothing for a moment and suddenly turned his head to the sky " uncle your wife is sick , go home and take her to the doctor " after that he smiled and looked around happily like a curious child leaving all of us dumbstruck .

I looked at Hekhule , "listen to him , go home and take your wife to the hospital" Hekhule , looked worried but did as told.  I turned back to Sthe , " he is the one ,right?" , " I believe so".

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