disowned parents*(29)

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I got to my parents's house after only 15 minutes and it would normally take thirty minutes.

I got out of the car and ran to the door , I just let myself in . "Mother , father!" I yelled , they came into the living room , looking like they had been preparing to go to bed .

"You were going to sleep? While my husband is in jail?" I asked them , my tone was low , angry and heartbroken. "What are you doing here ?!" My father asked in an angry voice .

I looked at him , his head was fine , hell even his arm was fine by the way he held my mother's waist so tightly.

"Why are you doing this father?", "I'm doing this to stop your stupidity" , "my stupidity?", "Yes you disgraceful son". "Well since you like arresting people so much I'll help you" .

I said before I punched him hard on his right cheek . My father actually fell down and my mother screamed for security .

I was angry I wanted to do more but I could not as they held my arms tightly then my father stood up and was about to punch me in the gut when something happened .

He was pushed away from me by a strange force . I looked at him wide eyed then i remembered the bead necklace, it still worked , grandma , did say it will protect me .

My father was bewildered , "how did you do that?" He asked angrily but there was some fear in his tone.  It was the first time I ever saw my father like that . "You should not have tried to hurt my babies, father" .

I looked at my mother , "I'm sorry I was not the perfect son you both wanted, I just want to tell you one thing, I love you people, but I can no longer stand you.

From this day onwards your both dead to me and my family . I do not wish to have anything to do with you anymore". "You learned witchcraft  from them right? They did this to you.

They got into your head using their chums, you are bewitched by them . Your not my son". I laughed sarcastically , "you don't deserve a son like me.

I here by disown you as my parents and as for the companies , keep them. Your wealth keep it , your cars keep them. Everything that belongs to you keep it".

After saying  those words I left the house , I was still crying and my heart felt stuffed. I wished I could get some sort of relief. That night I did not sleep at all , yet I saw grandma again .

"They won't be  able to hold him in that cell for a long time , your husband is  stronger than you'll ever imagine. Another thing dear , after the babies are  born , stay for two years in your country then go back home with your husband , because his motherland is where you belong my child" .

After saying those words she left , I knew this had something to do with the gift  one of the twins will receive. I sighed as I looked at  nothing in particular .

I realised in this life I was lonely ,I had no friends , no family . "That cannot be possibly true child , think about it again , do you truly have no family and friends?". 

Grandma's voice disappeared just like that and I thought about her words.  Grandma , was right , I did have family and friends .

I had a wonderful husband , I had Lebo , Mariam and Thandi as friends , I had grandfather , grandpa Titan and my uncle as family . The twins were also part of that group , for the first time I smiled touching my stomach . 

I decided to call my grandfather and I told him everything . They told me they would come and meet me the next day and I was happy to hear that .

Hekhule , also gave me updates about my husband's case . I was happy to hear that Sthe , would be released on the third day like Hekhule, promised.
Hey guys I'm so sorry if you can't read the story clearly because I did not put quotaton Marks on it i'll edit all the chapters and put quotation marks . I'm really sorry for the inconvenience . I'll also try to put the story into paragraphs only on my next chapters though . 🙂

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