the parents disagree*(chapter 26)

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Waking up to my husband's warmth was truly blissful and I felt truly happy only one thing was plaguing my mind .

The night before I had a dream , grandma , visited me again , her smile was warm as usual but like always she had a message for me .

She told me that one of the twins was going to be born with a gift , I asked her what she meant by that , her only answer was that I would see when the time comes .

Her words made me really worried because I had the feeling we would have to go back to my husband's motherland when the twins were born .

"What troubles you Dali?" Sthe , asked as soon as he woke up , his voice was so deep , it sent shivers down my spine . Did I tell you I love my husband's voice? Well I do .

"Nothing" I answered his question, "do not lie to me" his voice was stern and dominant, did he want to kill me with his hotness so early in the morning.

"I had a dream" , "what type of dream?", "Grandma , came to give me a message" , "grandma?", "Yes, your grandmother. She told me one of the twins will be born with a gift" .

"Twins?" Sthe , asked in a curious tone , I bit my lip at that since I forgot I did not tell him I was pregnant . "Well I have news for you" , "go on" , "I'm pregnant, if you don't believe me I'll show you the sonograms and pregnancy test I got from the doctor" .

I said rambling as I was trying to defend myself . "I believe you Dali, and I'm  very happy, the happiest man in the world" .

As he said that our lips met and let's just say my waist has never been more sore. We spent the whole day together which was quite peaceful but like always good things have to come to an end .

That early evening the doorbell rang , I stood up leaving Sthe , watching TV . "Who is it?!" I yelled feeling a little lazy to find out myself.

"What type of manners are those boy?" , and with that my body froze , I knew my father's voice from anywhere, now I was truly convinced that Jennifer , told on me .

I opened the door and my parents let themselves in , "your welcome, please come in" I spoke my voice coming out more sarcastic than I intended.

"Boy mind your manners" , my mother scowleded, "I'm sorry I swiftly apologized" . "Dali, who is at the door?" Sthe , asked and I could hear footsteps echoing around the house and I knew he was coming to me .

I cursed under my breath it was about to get real very quickly. And I was right , as soon as Sthe , showed up my father's face because unreadable.

Sthe , looked at me then at my parents before speaking , "you must be Dali's parents, I'm Sthembiso Khaya , it's a pleasure to meet you".

"Who is this?" My mother asked not fully looking at Sthe , I did not wish to lie to them so I told them the truth. "He is my husband" both their eyes widened.

"Are you joking?" My mother asked me cautiously , "no mother" . "I will not tolerate this insolence!!" My father all but yelled .

"It is not up to you father we are already married" . "We strongly disagree with this whole fiscal, you will marry Jennifer, whether you want to or not" .

"Will Jennifer raise my twins with me?" At that question everything became silent.

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