I'll take care of you*(30)

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The third day finally arrived and I stood inside the police station without a word . My eyes were glued to one spot . The spot my husband would walk through any minute now.

My breath hitched as the door opened , I did not wait a moment longer I just ran to my husband and threw myself into his arms . He held on tight and did not let me go. I just cried , I missed my husband a lot . "I'm here now Dali , don't cry".

I looked up at him and kissed him deeply , god I missed his lips . They were just as warm as before. "I missed you Sthe , I'm sorry my father did that to you . Please don't hate him because I don't ", " I won't ".

"This is great and all but I think you guys forgot about me ", A man spoke standing next to us , I looked at him curiously. "Who are you?", "Wow I'm hurt, and here I thought I'd also get a hug for getting your husband out of jail" I gasped at that .

"Oh my god, I'm sorry Hekhule" I made a move to go and give him a hug but Sthe's arms tightened around my waist . "Don't ask my wife for stupid things I'll kill you", his voice was cold making Hekhule , shiver. 

"Boss I was just playing", "does my wife look like a toy car? Don't play with things that don't belong to you".

"Sthe , calm down the man helped you out after all". "Thank you Makoti ,for that", Hekhule , spoke only to keep silent again when Sthe , glared at him . The man looked ready to kill but I was just craving some carrot cake.

"Sthe, I'm hungry " he looked down at me after I said that and smiled , it was small yet still there . That was a smile only I knew since he only ever smiled at me .

"Let's go home, we'll order in", "no Sthe, my grandparents and uncle are at home ", he nodded , "let's go then ". "Boss what about me?", "Bring the car around then leave ".

Hekhule, faked a mock hurt expression and I found it funny . I giggled and Sthe's glare on  Hekhule, increased.

" Makoti , spare me and don't laugh your husband will kill me " Sthe , growled and Hekhule , ran away . It was really amusing, they acted like brothers and I liked that .

Back at home , grandpa Titan, really had cooked and most of the food was eaten by me and Sthe , kept adding more food into my plate . The other three at the table did not utter a word .

I noticed grandpa Titan, kept on looking at grandfather , who was very much into his food , "horrible husband", he said as he now glared at grandfather , who was confused on how he became a horrible husband.

"Father if you keep that up you might be sleeping on the couch tonight" uncle Sona , said with a light laugh which I joined him in . The rest of the dinner went smoothly .

That night I stayed awake once more since I could not sleep . Finally Sthe , woke up and looked at me , "can't sleep?", "Yes".

"Why did you not wake me up?", "You need your rest Sthe", "no","what I need is for you to relay on me more as I'm your husband, if you can't sleep, wake me up , I will never get annoyed , Dali, let me take care of you, forever and for always".

I sighed and turned to snuggle into his arms .

"It's not that I don't know you care for me, it's just that I don't want to be too much of a burden on you " Sthe , growled at that and held onto me a little tighter before he kissed me .

"You will never be a burden to me, hell I'll give you everything you want , including my life, the burden will be me as I will never let you go ".

"Sthe , I'm poor now you know". "So what?, I only want your heart , body and soul , as for money I have enough to buy you the whole earth.

Believe in me when I say I'll take care of you , because I will for the rest of my life . The only thing you will have to worry about is my cold , unfeeling yet Loving self forever".  I cried happy tears at those words and embraced him tighter.

"Thank you Sthe ", " no need to thank me I love you Dali", "I love you too".

That night grandma came again , as always she came bearing news for me .

"Your husband is in danger , for this whole week keep him in the yard where you can see him , it seems the Jennifer , girl is serious about having you back . A car is all it takes to end his life remember that child ".

Her voice soon disappeared after that , my heart was thumbing loudly inside my chest and I was scared . I could not loose my husband , seriously I felt I could not catch a break , I had also never felt such hatred for a person before .

How could Jennifer, plot against my husband? She did not know what was coming to her and I'd show her .

 I BECAME HIS ZULU BRIDEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant