karma strikes , i forgive*(39)

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"what are you both doing here ?" I asked sounding more hostile than I intended to be . They both looked a little weary after hearing my tone of voice .

It surprised me since I knew my parents from before would have retaliated with just as much hostility but they did not. They looked even more dejected than before.

Their reaction honestly confused me . I wondered what was wrong with them. "Are you both deaf ?" They still did not reply and I got even angrier.

" That's enough Dali, let your parents speak it's clear they have something important to tell you" Sthe , softly reprimanded me while slowly caressing my arm to keep me calm .

After he spoke I looked at my parents without a word. "Thank you son-in-law " my father said looking at Sthe , with gentle eyes .

Seeing my father act so out of norm made me quite suspicious honestly yet once again I remained silent. " Your welcome father-in-law " Sthe , replied politely.

" May we have a seat please" my mother asked , when she asked that I seriously tensed . It was just too odd seeing them act so polite. 

"Go ahead " Sthe , spoke once again pointing to a bench near us . My grandparents and uncle were already sitting on the other one. My parents sat down with a polite thanks.

I was about to speak when the sleeve of my shirt was tugged lightly , I looked down and it was Joy , who wanted my attention. "

Mama , who are they? " he was curious when he asked that and I knew but I did not feel like telling him so I replied " their not anyone important at the moment , take your brother and go play with the other children alright I'll call you when lunch is ready" my little boy nodded obediantly and took his brother's hand .

Joy , was about to pull Gift , away when the boy spoke . " Mama , listen to them and don't harden your heart your kinder than that " after he said that he smiled like a child he is and ran away with Joy, hand in hand.

It always got me curious how one minute he was speaking like an adult then the next moment he was acting like a child .

After the children had left I once again looked at my parents. It took them a moment but my father finally spoke.

" After that day you disowned us strange things began to happen" he spoke slowly as if it was hard to even get the words out of his mouth.

" It started with us having weird nightmares of a child who was abandoned, each time the child asked the same question ' why did you leave daddy and mommy' the dream made us have less and less sleep as the days went by" he sighed as if remembering the dream.

A child who asked why they abandoned him ? I laughed a little , it was not a happy laugh but a sad one . I knew that child , that child could be no one but myself , as a child I used to ask myself why they did not love me .

" Things got worse when the companies began to have problems , things like fraud were happening , the shareholders sold their shares , the companies began to go bankrupt, the employees began to steal from us .

What was worse was we could not stop it , we tried to ask for help but no one would give us a hand , even our so called friends we held in high esteem left us without a care in the world".

I could say nothing to that , I had always tried to warn them about their friends but they never wanted to listen, honestly I felt they got what they deserved.

" The companies we worked hard to build crushed just like that , everywhere we went we either got mocked or pitied which did not make our situation better at all".

After that he seemed as if he could not speak anymore so my mother took over.

" After all that happened , your father got sick , we took him to the hospital and they told us he had lung cancer , the only good thing about it was that it was on its starting stages and could be removed with a simple operation .

We were really happy til we encountered a problem , money , the one thing we had never dreamed we would ever be short on was our biggest problem.

We decided to visit my parents and ask them for help , you won't believe how they treated us " my mother was close to tears when she said all that.

"They first refused us entry to their mansion and we had to speak to them through the Intercom system installed at the gate , we had never felt such humiliation since they day we were born.

I asked them for money for your father's operation. My parents straight up refused , they told us they  wanted nothing to do with us , that I was a disgrace of a daughter for marrying a good for nothing like your father .

I was honestly surprised since the time I decided to marry your father they were really happy and told me how proud they were that I snagged myself a fine man like your father ". Now she was full on crying.

" They chased us away before their reputation could be tarnished , since being seen near their gate would bring them nothing but misfortune.

I was honestly disappointed in my parents then one thing finally hit us . We were just like them , Ajax , we finally realised we were horrible parents to you , we only cared about our reputation and casted our only son aside .

Ajax , that realisation made us really ashamed . Guilt began to eat us up and we had a strong edge to apologize to you so we went to your apartment , only to find out you had already left and had sold it .

We searched everywhere but could not find you and slowly your father was getting worse and we needed help . As if our problems were not enough we fell into debt somehow and had to sell our mansion and cars just to repay it back which left us with nothing.

Finally your father thought of his parents , with how badly we treated them in contrast to how well we treated my parents we were worried that they would also not help us .

How wrong we were , as soon as we got there they embraced us , they gave us warmth and we felt even more ashamed , your father turned into a child again in his father's arms that's when I realised what horrible people we truly were. 

I guess it took us suffering to show us we were turning into monsters. His parents and brother paid for his operation and it was successful.

We then had one last thing to do , and that was find our son and apologize , we asked his parents about your whereabouts and they told us they'll take us to your home .

We never knew we would be traveling to South Africa" . After she spoke they both looked at me .

"Ajax , son , we are so sorry , we realise how horrible we were and you did not deserve all that , your not a dirty faggot your honest and sweet and we accept you , we don't care about your sexuality and we don't think your a freak for having the ability to carry a child , we just think your blessed .

You have a handsome husband and equally handsome children . Please find it in your heart to forgive us , we know our wrongs and that is why we found the courage to apologize".

I could not say a word after they spoke , I just cried silently still looking at them , Sthe , held me gently his hand running up and down my back in soothing circles to calm me down .

I looked at him and he smiled and nodded . I knew he could see what I had decided even before I said it .That was also another reason I loved my husband so much , he just understood me. I stood up from his lap and went to my parents .

I took each ones hand and they both stood up and then like a child I embraced them and cried , they also wept . They kept on saying sorry and my heart both ached and felt warmth .

I knew I had made the right decision when I spoke those three words " I forgive you".

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