Nina's son*(42)

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It took some time but I finally got used to the idea of carrying my baby girl. Like that months passed quickly.

The night was a peaceful one for everyone but myself , as you know my nights can get pretty hectic. That night was one of those nights , I tried to fall asleep but I could not . Something in me told me I should not fall asleep and I always trust my gut feeling.

As far as I knew it was supposed to be a clear night yet thunder began to rumble loudly all of a sudden and I was startled.

I frowned and looked at Sthe , the man was sleeping like he did not hear it . It kept rumbling and the rumbling got louder. " It's about to happen child " I heard grandma's voice in my mind.

" What is about to happen grandma?" She was silent for a moment then spoke again." Your son's beloved is about to enter this world. Gift , already knows , he'll be here soon you better wake Sthe , up".

I nodded and began to shake Sthe , gently." What happened Dali? are you alright?" I looked at him and sighed . " Nina , is about to give birth" he sat up startled at that ." Since your telling me , it means we have to go to her " I nodded in agreement.

Just then our door was pushed open by an excited little boy. " Mama , papa , his coming !" Gift , said happily. " I know baby child , we have to go " Gift , nodded . " Your right mama , we have to hurry , since he is waiting for me "

We all stood up and went to the boys' room , I did not want to leave Joy , all alone so I told Sthe , to carry him . I could not carry the two with my huge stomach so that was his job.

We informed Mariam , and the rest, we were going to Nina's house . Mariam , looked uneasy , when I told her . " Your going to Nina's house?" I nodded in confirmation. " Ajax dear, you should not go , trust me , the only good person in that household is Nina's husband"

Her words got me unsettled but I knew I had to go . Gift , had to be there . He was needed I felt it . " I'll see you guys when we come back " that was all I said before I took my family and we walked to Nina's house.

It took some time because I was a bit slow but we finally got there . I immediately heard screaming as we neared the gate. Nina , seemed to be praying unlike I who had cursed my husband to the moon and back.

" What are you doing here in my house?!" A man's voice boomed which made me frightened , I moved a little closer to my husband. " We are here to see Nina" I spoke bravely.

" You are not welcomed here " he said menacingly. I frowned , " is there a reason I'm not welcomed in your home?" I just had to ask.

" Your a bad omen , your not going to influence my son's wife with your witchcraft" my heart ached at that and I felt slow tears fall down my cheeks . I had thought it was over , yet some people still thought I was a witch who charmed their prince.

Before I could say anything , the man was on the ground bleeding . I was shocked til I looked at my husband who had placed the boys on the ground and had punched the man.

"You dare talk to my wife like that?" He chuckled darkly after saying that and continued beating the man til his sons plead for mercy.

They knew they could not fight against Sthe , the man was strong and I knew that very well ." Enough Sthe " I said after a few moments and he stopped and picked our boys back up.

We were finally allowed into the yard  . Nina's screams became louder , til panicked voices began to resound from the hut." We are going to loose her !" That made Gift , slip from his father's arms and run into the hut .

The thunder rumbled even louder . " Little pale boy this is no place for a child get out!" One woman yelled at my son and it got me angry. I was about to speak when grandma spoke first ," child let the boy speak for himself , he has the voice , after all only a husband can speak for his wife, let him speak" .

I nodded and stayed silent . That is when Gift , spoke and he sounded more like an adult than a child and I knew his inner voice was the one talking.

" Woman , I'm the prince of this land and like my father , what I say goes , that child that woman is giving birth to is special to me , and I will not allow you to force me to leave his side , if I leave right now the child will never be born and this land will fall into calamity".

The woman seemed stunned by his words, she became tongue tired. Gift , began to chant some words in Zulu , which surprised me who knew only a little bit of Zulu.

Finally after some long hours a cry of a baby was heard . The thunder stopped yet it rained and heavily . We took shelter in a spare hut in the yard . " He is born Sthe " I said sounding more excited than I should be .

" You know Dali , you never told me what is so special about the boy " I nodded at that and told him . " That boy is the future queen of the land , like myself he is special Sthe , he means to our son what I mean to you " .

Sthe, seemed genuinely surprised by my words and I could not blame him . Through all this commotion , Joy ,never woke up . Seriously it made me wonder just how deep he could sleep .

" Mama , he is born , Olwethu June Lunga , my beloved " after Gift, said that his whole demeanor became childlike. He pouted as he rubbed his tired eyes. He went to Sthe , and passed out in his  arms .

I smiled softly and laid a sweet kiss on his forehead, and whispered. " You did good my child , mama is so proud of you " . I hoped their future would be bright . I knew I was somewhat wishing for the impossible with my luck but I still hoped.

I wondered would Olwethu , be able to accept Gift , most of all would Gift , be able to accept himself and his destiny. It worried me a lot . I knew he was still a child and did not understand but as he grew up he would be able to realise just what type of burden he was carrying.

" Our son is very strong Dali, the same spirit that runs in me also runs in him I can feel it .Both our boys are very strong " I agreed with him . I knew he would grow up to be very strong and I hoped that was a good thing .

" Worry not child , only the both of them can either break or build each other "  I thought deeply after she spoke.

Destinies were never meant to be broken and I hoped nobody would try to temper with their destiny like they tried to temper with ours . For their future , I could only pray.

_______________________________________Hey everyone here's an update, there are only two chapters left of this story and I'll be wrapping it up . Thank you so much for the support.🤗🤗😘

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