Another bun in the oven*(41)

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A month had finally passed after my husband ravished me half to death . I was mad at him for a few days but that man knew just what to do to melt my heart . I was also angry at Mariam , not just me alone though, me and my team of wives who were tormented by their husbands.

It was funny how all of us complained about Mariam ,yet the woman acted like she was innocent , truly evil. Anyway that episode passed quickly and life seemed to be flowing in the right direction which made me breath easier .

For some time I had been feeling odd though , and it got me very nervous . The tiredness , the overeating and the moods . I refused to believe it was what I thought it was .

I could not be pregnant again , no , I refused.  Things went down hill when I started craving carrot cake. I cried , yes I wept my eyes , red and puffy. I could not believe it.

Sthe , was surprised by my sudden outburst . " Dali , are you okay ?" He asked looking very worried . I did not say a word , I simply continued to cry . He tried to hold me but I stepped back . It was his fault , everything in me blamed him.

"Dali" he called out his voice sounding really hurt ,but I did not respond . I looked at him with anger in my eyes . " It's all your fault!" I yelled at him , feeling very frustrated.

Sthe , looked confused and he had the right to be. I looked and acted crazy . " I'm going out for a while don't follow me Sthe , and I mean it " .

Walking out on him was harder than it should have been but I needed time to myself. I needed time to think. I was so scared , so scared.

What if what happened the last time happened again ? I was supposed to be happy to have another child but no all I felt was fear . Deeply rooted fear.

I walked all the way to a small lake I had discovered weeks prior. It was like my safe heaven . Really calming . That was the kind of peace I needed at that moment.

"Child you seem distressed, your heart is not calm , do you want to talk about it?" Hearing grandma's voice I felt relieved .

" Grandma , I'm afraid I'm once again pregnant " I could feel grandma smile in my mind and it soothed me .

" My child that is good news , do you not feel the same?" I took a deep breath and told her what plagued my heart.

"I'm afraid I'll end up losing my life this time around, my children are still so small and my husband needs me . What if this time I truly can't escape death ".

Grandma sighed then once again smiled" that child is a gift not a curse , you will be alright , the last time was caused by the gifted child " I knew she was right , I just wished I would not feel so scared.

" It is alright to be frightened but don't let that fear be the reason you loose that joy of carrying your child" she was right and it got me thinking.

I hugged myself with a soft sigh and looked at the lake , it was pretty quiet unlike me whose spirit was chaotic." I'll try my hardest grandma but it is going to be truly hard "

" I know child but remember this, your not alone , everyone is with you" silence reigned after she said those words.

My family and friends would be supportive and I knew it . It made me happy to realise that since it seemed sometimes I forgot just how lucky I truly was.

The most supportive person though I would say was Sthe , then it hit me . My husband , I had been so rude to him . That moment my happy mood turned distressed again.

"Dali" his voice called out and for a moment I thought I was helucinating . "Dali" he called again and I turned my body to look behind me.

I gasped because right infront of me my husband stood in all his handsome glory. Yes , even at that moment in time I still thought my husband was to drool over.

"I'm sorry for whatever I have done " he apologized looking at me with those love filled eyes making me feel even more guilty.

I stood up slowly and walked towards him hesitantly. When I finally stood infront of him I just embraced him and cried silently . " I'm sorry Sthe , I'm so sorry"

" Don't cry Dali , I forgive you , now tell me why are you so upset" I looked up at him at that and finally confessed." Sthe , I'm pregnant again"

At that moment his smile could not have been brighter . It actually warmed my heart and eased some of my fear. So what if
I could die , if I could make him smile that bright , It was totally worth it.

" Do you know Dali, it hurts me when your sad , angry or in pain , it hurts so much it feels almost physical" my heart ached hearing those words coming out of his lips.

" I'm truly sorry Sthe , I was out of control this time , I should not have let my fear get the best of me " after I spoke Sthe , claimed my lips in a searing , deep kiss that left me breathless.

" Dali , let's go home , our boys must be worried about us " . I nodded and finally whispered , " I'm hungry Sthe , I want carrot cake" Sthe , laughed at that.

" My Dali , seems to turn into a rabbit when his pregnant , probably why you decided to keep one " my cheeks tinted pink at that and I hit his chest with a pout.

" Hey keeping Bonny , was to save his life and I love that rabbit" Sthe , raised his brow at that and his eyes darkened.

" I must say I'm very jealous of that rabbit , it seems I really should give it to Lebo , so she can make rabbit stew with it"

My eyes widened at that , " Sthe , no , you'll do no such thing " he chuckled at the horror that could be detected in my voice .

I looked at him and decided I was happy with the man no matter what we go through. When we arrived at home , Joy and Gift , came running to us .

Gift , touched my stomach and smiled , " mama it's a girl " he turned to Joy , " JoJo , we're going to be big brothers!" Joy , gasped shocked and looked at me ." Is it true mama ?" I nodded to confirm and he yelled " yay I'm going to be a big brother too!"

I shook my head at my silly boys , that was how I found out the gender of my baby . Who needs a doctor when you have a gifted child? Yep , no one.

I was still looking at the two dancing all silly when Mariam's voice rang out " Mrs Tailor ,I told you it will happen!!" She all but yelled for the whole village to hear.

The woman was seriously crazy , I wondered how her husband and children could handle her. So like that everyone gathered around us saying congratulations .

I was happy yet somewhat embarassed. I truly did not know what to do with myself . Nina , looked at me . " It seems we're connected by fate " how right she was and she did not even know.

I looked at her stomach then at Gift , who was laughing and playing with his brother . I could feel a sigh coming on. 

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