this is too akwaad* (cp6)

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I ate trying to be as quiet as possible . They were also really silent. I looked at Sthe, who was eating his food quietly.

A throat finally cleared , "so pale boy what brings you to south Africa?" . The king asked. "I'm here on vication", "is that so,why this place though?", He continued to ask, "I find this place to be interesting so I thought I should visit" .

"I see your good friends with my son", I nodded , "Sthe, is really nice", I said still not looking at the king. "I would never associate my son with the word 'nice' so you really must be special to see his nice side".

My heart quickened at that which was strange. So he was only nice to me . It was so odd to think about that fact. "Is that so" , I finally replied , "yes I'm afraid so, my son has never been one to smile or laugh it's really something that he was born with.

The blood of worriors runs through his veins , some even thought he was Shaka Zulu's son when he showed his amazing fighting skills at the age of 10".

I looked at the king now interested. I loved African tales . My blue eyes widened with anticipation, I looked at the king to tell me more. "You look interested", the king chuckled that's when I knew the king looked intimidating but he was quite nice.

"You can visit another time and I'll tell you more tales about my ice cold son. He is one of a kind you know". "Father you like praising Sthembiso, a lot" ,one of the woman at the table had complained, "I've never heard stories about my husband Sizwe, and his the eldest".

"Mariam, your husband was an obediant son, he never caused trouble at all" . "Then how about my husband Themba, father?", another of the young women had asked.

"Your husband was always a playful child and was not home most of the time". "Our husbands are truly boring" , said the young woman I had come to know was Lebo.

I continued to eat my meal as I listened to the stories the king told about his other sons . "Are you full?" A voice next to me got my attention away from the king. "Yes", I said to Sthe, with a smile , he frowned, "you should eat more, I don't want you to be too skinny".

I looked at him strangely but decided to let it go , I put more food in my plate and moaned in bliss , really African food were amazing . Samp , pap , cabbage , spinach and more were the verities of that day.

"You seem to enjoy our food very much" said Mariam , "yes I've never tasted anything this good before, makes me wish I knew how to cook it". "If your up for it I'll teach you" , she offered.

"Oh really?" I asked with hope in my eyes. "Sure , my sister will teach you the ones I can't cook". "I'll look forward to it then" I said with a big grin.

Lebo, smiled at me, "your very beautiful you know?" My eyes widened in surprise at that. "I thought I was atleast handsome" , "you are it's just you have a feminine charm to you". That made me freeze a moment , "feminine?".

"It's not a bad thing it's just that your very easily pleased and very sweet, I find it calming to talk to you which is a really good thing" . I nodded in understanding. "If your done we can start practicing your cooking skills".

"Not today", said Sthembiso, "today he rests, tomorrow he can start, afternoon he rests" . Mariam, looked at Sthe, skeptically, "but cooking needs a lot of time". "He has time" Sthe, answered .

I looked at him, "it's fine Sthe, I can spend a couple of hours learning how to cook" . "I said no", "stop forbidding me from doing what I want please", I said looking at him. "Ajax" , he called my name and I knew he was being serious .

"It would do you good if you learnt not to do everything just to please others, the whole point of a vication is to rest. So your going to rest. My word is final Dali".

I could not refute his words for some reason so I nodded obediantly. "Good, now eat up so we can go for a walk". I nodded again and continued eating.

 I BECAME HIS ZULU BRIDEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora