shocking the parents*(chapter 27)

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The silence lasted a while longer til mother spoke again.

"What twins?" She asked suspiciously, "our twins mother", I replied not looking directly at them.

"I fail to understand you boy, get to the point", my father spoke his voice was stern. "I'm pregnant", "that's simply an abomination. What do you mean your pregnant?".

"Father, I mean every word I say . I went to the doctor with grandpa Titan" , "you were with that queer?" My father asked then laughed . "I knew it was contagious, That is why I told them to stay the hell away from you" .

"I called them so they can walk me down the Isle". "Your a boy you don't need to walk down the Isle , that is what a girl is supposed to do".

"Father, I will not allow you to belittle me", after saying those words even I myself felt bewildered , when did I gain a spine to stand up to my father? . "Don't you dare talk back at me, I will not tolerate it" .

"Funny I was about to say the same to you Mr Tailor, respect my wife or you might not like what I'll do" Sthe ,said . My father scoffed, "oh, that is all you blacks know, using violence to solve everything, you are a danger to society, simply bebarians" .

I was amazed by my father's words , "your the one who's a danger to society. My husband is more civilized than you'll ever be" . I said anger swirling all over my body .

I had never been so angered in all my life ,they could say anything about me but not my husband .

At that moment I saw a vain about to pop on my father's head and he raised his hand ready to hit me but a larger , much darker one caught his. By my father's expression I knew it was a strong grip.

He groaned in pain and I held Sthe's hand , "it's okay Sthe, I'm fine see" . "He was going to hit you, no one touches what belongs to me" .

His voice was deeper than before, but I was not frightened because I knew he would never hurt me . I looked at my mother , "take your husband and leave" , my mother looked at me shocked.

"You are an ungrateful child, simply  a mistake" Sthe , laughed at that , "does that matter, his a mistake I'm willing to love and take care of, besides you call him mistake, I call him a treasure, a treasure born just for me.

Now get out of this house before I do something drastic, only come back when your ready to accept your son for who he is" . My parents stormed out of the house and I fell into my husband's embrace and just wept .

I was truly sad , I loved my parents no matter how they were , I loved them . "It'll be alright Dali, your parents will come around and if they don't you don't need them, you have me and the twins" .

I nodded sadly . That night I slept with a heavy heart , who would have known that the next morning it would only get worse , my husband was arrested for assault .

My father pressed charged against him ,  I was truly amazed by my father's wickedness. My husband told me to call Hekhule , I found the number on his phone and called the number.

 I BECAME HIS ZULU BRIDEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें