the crying child*(31)

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Three days had passed and I was still keeping Sthe , in the yard . I wanted to scream as the man seemed to want to go out so bad .

Seriously I love my husband but he was beginning to get on my last nerve . I wondered , was he suicidal or just  bewitched. The other thing was I had been having dreams for the whole three days .

The dreams were like a premonition, like something was wrong . One thing they had In common was the crying child .

The child kept saying I should save him . I didn't even know the person he was talking about , I wondered if it had something to do with my husband .

Like most nights I slept in my husband's arms when I had that dream again . Like always the child was crying , it seemed a bit different that night , the child spoke more Cleary. "Mommy , save him , his going to die , don't let him die ".

After saying those words the child vanished into thin air , I jolted out of my dream . The child's voice had more urgency and it got me worried .

I had a strange urge to see a doctor and I never ignore my gut feeling.

I immediately stood up from the bed and called doctor Larsson , he was my personal doctor that Sthe ,hired . "Where are you going?" Sthe , asked in his sexy voice , yummy.

Okay that's not the point. "I'm going to see doctor Larsson ", "why at night?", "I don't know I just have to see him , don't worry I'll be back soon".

" I'm going with you Dali", "no Sthe , you know you have to stay at home , I will not be a widower at this age". "Nothing bad will happen","I'm sorry but you can't promise that ".

After saying those words I took the car and drove to the hospital . I had to get there as soon as possible , I had a feeling , a bad feeling.

When I arrived there I went straight to doctor Larsson's office . The middle aged man smiled seeing me , I did not return it as I was really worried .

"I need you to check if everything is alright with my babies". He nodded and got to work , he began to frown as he looked at the screen showing my infants.

"it seems one of the children is not developing normally ", "what? " , " It's a good thing you came today or the child would have died , you would have had a miscarriage.
We have to do an operation now or else the baby will die".

At that moment I felt my Whole world collapse . I had to save my child ,was all I could think about and to that I agreed to do the operation. I don't remember what happened after that , all I know is I woke up , two days later to good and bad news. The good news my babies were both safe , the bad news , Sthe , got into an accident.

The thought running through my mind when I heard the news was , how stupid can that man be . Luckily ,I think I should thank his ancestors , he survived . He got away with an injury on his right arm and ribs .

My family was dead worried about us and I could only sigh and curse my bad luck. I wondered , in my last life did I use up all my luck , maybe that was why I was facing misfortune after misfortune.

"Well done child , by listening to the warning of the child, you saved both your unborn child and your husband ".

I smiled after hearing what grandma had said , it seemed the storm had finally passed but it did not mean I would not give Jennifer , what she deserved . She almost took the life of my husband and to that I could not be nice and easily forgive.

It took another three days before I could see Sthe , but it felt like three years. That whole week I spent next to Sthe , I made sure I was right next to his curve just to make sure he was alright and he was still there .

I figured the whole experience had made me a tad bit paranoid . I went to the hospital everyday just to check if my children were okay .

I asked Hekhule , secretly to get me some dirt on Jennifer , and man did the girl have a lot of dirt . Everything illegal you could think of of she had done . I was wondering , can a girl really be that bad? , Illegal weapon trading, that was the top of the list .

The next thing you know she was doing some hefty time in jail . I felt proud of what I had done , though I had  gotten in trouble with my husband . The punishment  was sweet though , it made me wonder , should I provoke Sthe , more often?. Well I guess I could if I wanted to have a sore waist all week . It might have been the pregnancy making me think all crazy .

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