sad eyes*(32)

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Finally it was almost time for me to give birth , it had been a long journey to get to where I was . Mood swings, cravings and even the morning sickness but I managed to pull through .

That was what I told myself though I was really feeling uneasy as I got closer to the due date. Like always I had dreams , this time it was not grandma , it was the crying child , this time he was not crying though He just had these sad eyes and I knew those eyes were looking right at me .

Me always being in a daze unsettled Sthe , that was probably the reason he had me at arms length all the time . I wanted to tell him about my dream but somehow everytime I tried , my tongue would be tied and no words would come out  .

The day before I was to give birth the sad eyed child visited me in my dream , this time he spoke.

"Mama , you must be strong , bring me and my brother to the world , it will be hard but you can do it . Be warned though mother no matter what you go through don't even think about c-section, that will kill us in an instant, you can only give birth naturally, remember my words mama please".

I woke up after those words panting and dead worried , my life was getting harder the way I saw it.

Just then I felt warm liquid flow through my thighs, I furrowed my brow and pulled the sheet aside only to see the bed was wet . I looked at my thighs and I knew what happened . My water broke .

"Sthe", I called to him in a panicked tone , he woke up immediately in a start . "What's wrong Dali? " He immediately asked as soon as he opened his eyes.

I knew I worried my husband a lot but I could not help it . "My water broke ", "oh shit" , "we have to get you to the hospital" just after he spoke I was hit by a sharp pain on my abdomen, "Ahh!" I could not help but yell , the pain took me by surprise , it did not prepare me for the second pain though or the third .

"Dali be strong I'll get you to the doctor soon enough", Sthe , sounded calm but I knew he was nothing of the sort . "Breath Dali",  he spoke as he carried me to the car .

"You try fucking breathing I'm In pain damnit!" , I all but yelled , I could not stand it , the pain was too much but something told me it was only the start. That something was totally right.

We got to the hospital and I was immediately rushed to the ICU, I could do nothing but curse at Sthe , he was the one who put me in that situation in the first place.

"I'm never carrying children for you again! " I cursed as I held onto his hand tighter . He did not even groan in pain and somehow it got me mad that I cursed him out some more.

What else could I do to vent out my anger and take my mind off the pain? , I thought I'd be in pain for only a few hours but no as I said I had the worst luck on earth I swear.

I finally thought it would be over two days later but no it did not . The babies were not ready to come out still . The doctor suggested c-section but I refused him on the spot .

How could I not? I knew my babies were going to die if I did that . I could not bring myself to risk it. I could only cry and hope it was over soon.

On the ninth day , yes nine days later I was still in pain and in labour , my strength was almost drained , my tears were dried and I could no longer scream . I just sat there looking at the white around the room.

I said nothing , nor did I do anything , as I said I had become almost lifeless .

Sthe , was so worried he  suggested I should just just save my life and kill the babies . That got me mad at him , I glared at him as if I would kill him . How dare he ? How can he even suggest such a thing?. Then again I knew what he was going through .

On the tenth day as if like a miracle the babies finally decided to free me , by that time I was really weak . The doctor looked relieved when I began to push the first one out , with my strength it took time but finally he came out my first born child .

I did not look at him , how could I when I could not even move ? One strange thing I noticed was that the baby did not cry even when doctors tapped his bum a little too hard ,that I even cringed .

"Push a little more Mr Khaya", the doctor encouraged, I could not do it anymore , I was tired I needed some sleep and with that thought I began to drift off.

Before I could even close my eyes the baby cried , his cry echoed throughout the whole hospital.  It made my heart ache yet at the same time gave me strength, I began to push once again which got the doctors very happy .

I pushed hard one last time and passed out . My last baby was finally born, now I could die in peace . I knew there was no way I could have survived all that , even at the face of death  , I was happy , I had a warm smile on my face .

My babies were finally born , I knew I had tears running down my cheeks , it seemed my tears did not run out , I still had plenty of tears to shed .

One thing that made me regret dying like that though, was my family , my husband and babies. I never got to see the boys , I would miss their first steps , their first words , all in all I would miss their entire lives . That to me was my biggest regret.


Hello guys I really tried my best to make the chapter long this time , I hope this is satisfactory and thank you so much for supporting my book and enjoying my story😘😘.

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