hunting*(chapter 9)

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I gripped the towel tighter around me and gulped. Why did he look like he was going to eat me alive? "Sthe",I spoke , hoping to turn his attention from whatever he was thinking with that look in his eyes.

"Your so stabbon, you never listen to a simple warning, now look your making me go insane". He conered me to a wall and I looked up at him , "I'm sorry" I apologized looking down again .

It was weird how he made me feel a little submissive to him. He lifted my chin up then bend down , his lips met mine and my eyes widened in shock. "What are...?" I tried to speak but he deepened the kiss that I finally moaned .

The sensation going through my body was so alien that I pulled back from the kiss . "Stop" I begged my hands on his wide , masculine chest.

"Don't worry I won't finish you off today, in the not so distant future it will surely happen" . My heart thumbed at that and I could do nothing but stare at him. "Put on your clothes so we can get going , the guys can get a bit restless".

I nodded as he moved away from me, it was so strange how I found myself missing his warmth. I almost wanted to pull him back, after I was ready ,we had breakfast then left.

The young man were indeed waiting for us, well for Sthe, as they began moving as soon as they saw his imposing figure. We walked for awhile , I felt a bit tired but kept moving , I never knew walking through a jungle could be so exhausting.

Finally we made it to the hunting grounds. All of them held their hunting pistols , looking at the dangerous weapon I felt a bit intimidated.

"Here hold one for yourself", Sthe, said , holding out a pistol to me, I hesitated for a moment then took it . It felt so heavy in my hands but I held it . Slowly the hunting began , they caught a wild bore and some dears .

Sthe, seemed especially on a roll , I was sad , I did not manage to catch a single animal. Sthe, finally came to my side , he was not alone though , he was holding a semi adult rabbit , white and grey stripes engulved it's small body .

It looked at me pitifully , well I thought it did . I looked at Sthe , "what are going to do with it?", "Cook it of course"  he replied like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"No please don't" he looked at me confused , "what should I do with it then Dali?", "Please give it to me" . He raised his brow at me , "and what do I get in return for that?", "You'll be the first one to taste my cooking after Mariam, teaches me".

"Sounds like a good bargain, the food come with a kiss right?" My cheeks flamed at that question . "Why are you so shameless?" I asked with a low whine . "Hey I'll take what I can when I can . So is that a deal Dali?" I was a bit hesitant but finally nodded my head slowly.

He placed the rabbit in my arms the poor thing was shaking , it was really heartbreaking. "Oh dear, your okay, that monster won't lay a hand on you again".

Sthe, rolled his eyes at me , "of cause I'll just suggest a few rabbit dishes to Lebo, so she can cook you little rabbit". The poor thing shook even more making me scold at Sthe.

He just laughed and I shook my head with a sigh. "You can be such a jerk sometimes", "I just love teasing you Dali, all your expressions are so cute". My cheeks flamed some more.

We finally joined the rest of the man and they stared at me strangely. "Why are you holding our meal so sweetly?" One asked making me hold Bonnie, tighter. I stepped back with a slight pout , Bonnie, was not a meal , he was my new friend.

"That rabbit is not for eating" said Sthe, his voice stern and filled with conviction . "If you so much as try to eat his rabbit , you'll be punished". The guys visibly shook .

They all seemed afraid of Sthe, which made me feel safer with him so I moved closer to him . He smirked, his arms wrapped around my slender waist . "Caught you little rabbit".

His words send shivers down my spine , in a good way though.

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