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It was a good hour trek from Beach city to the crashsite for the Crystal gems. Seeing as there was no warp pad around the area.

The ship was actually hidden in the forests that sorrounded Beach city. The trek through wasn't so bad until they made their way to a crater in the forest that it created. It was then that the gems got their first good look at it.

It was simply massive.

"Why would Homeworld build a ship this big!" Pearl exclaimed.

"I don't know but it can't be good." Garnet retorted.

"I just hope that no one survived the crash" everyone turned to look at Amythest. "What! You guys told me stories of Homeworld's armies, because I doubt we can take on an entire army." Amythest looked down solemnly.

"Still it can't be left alone. Not when it poses a possible danger to the Humans." Garnet replied.

"Something doesn't seem right." Garnet said. Catching everyone's attention. "This doesn't look like any Homeworld ship we've ever seen."

"Well the simplistic look and colors are a far cry from their usual ships, but then the question stands. Who made it?"

"I don't know P but let's find out." Amythest jumped down into the crater towards the ship.

"Settle down Amythest" Rose spoke. She stopped and turned around because Rose had been awfully quiet with a solemn expression on her face.

"We're going to split up to cover more ground, since the ship is so big. You and Pearl will check the bridge, while me and Garnet will take a look around.

"Rose can't I go with you?" Pearl questioned

"Wow, way to be a team player P."

"No you have them knowledge to find out what we need to know about this vessel." Rose reasoned.

"Anything you can tell us about what we're getting into G."

"I am afraid not. There are to many possibilities and unknowns to tell what will happen."

"Well I can tell you the name." Everyone looked at Amythest like she just grew a second head (Again).

"How could you possibly know this ships name. You've never even seen it before."

Rose suddenly pointed to the side of the ship. "That may be why."

Written in giant white letters, contrasting greatly with the grey/black hull. An eagle hanging above.


"This place gives me the creeps"

"Well it's a crashed ship in the middle of the night, what were you expecting, a human red carpet." Pearl replied.

"Lights." She replied bluntly.

"Oh. Well from what I can see the ships power is failing. I mean there are cables and broken wall panels everywhere." Pearl replied.

They continued to make their way through the ARCTURUS.

"P why was the name of the ship written in English."

"I don't know Amythest, I mean the statistical likely hood of an alien species having the same language as humans is to high to even fathom!"

"Something about this place doesn't feel right. Like we're trespassing on hollowed ground."

I get the feeling. But what has me really worried is the damage in the hull. I mean those burns and cuts would be impossible if it was from the crash!"


"Unless what P."

"Unless there was a battle going on here. Before it Even crash landed. Think about it Amythest. All of the burns in the hull, the scrapes on the wall, and the scotch marks that are everywhere."

Then what are those things stuck to the outer walls."

"I don't know, maybe some kind of self deal if technology. Although they did look remarkable strange and smelled rather foul."

"And that's another thing, where is the crew. Because there's no way a ship this big could run without one."

"I don't know why but be quiet, were getting close to the bridge." The signs written in white paint along the walls were helpful in pinpointing it's location.

They turned the last corner. Where a massive hallway at least 15 feet wide stood. With branching hallways stretching off in unknown directions. But that wasn't their target location though. That lay directly ahead.

"Um P why is the door already open?"

The 'door' she was referring to was amassive bulkhead at least 2 feet thick. But the weirdest part was it already partially open.making a crack 3 feet wide.

Pearl went to investigate the door.

"This looks like it was pried open."

"What do you mean."

"I mean there are finger like grooves imprinted into the metal. This door must weigh thousands of pounds. What on Earth could have the strength to pry it open!"

"It's not from earth, that's why we're even here."

"Oh ha ha."

The bridge was only lit by the subtle glow of the dieing monitors and the Sparks coming from broken consoles and cables.

"That's not possible!"

There were human bodies at the consoles. Only held in by the belts of their seats.

"Pearl let's see if their still alive." This knocked Pearl out of her shocked state. They both quickly rushed over to the nearest body and checked for a pulse. Unfortunately there wasn't one.

It was the same for the next person.

And the next

And the next

And the next.

None of them were alive.

"What about this one." Pearl looked to where she was pointing to only to have her eyes widen.

Still holding onto the railings separating the lower level was a large robot. Amythest somehow released it's grip on the railing and rolled it onto the floor.

It was intimidating to see the least. Covered head to toe in dark green and black armor plating that by the looks of it was extremely heavy. With strange looking weapons strapped to the hips and the small of the back. The scariest part though was the eye. The bright golden surface reflected everything. It almost felt like it could peer into your very gem. The whole thing on top of some strange black fabric like material.

"Holy shit this thing is heavy, feels like a thousand pounds. And Damn it's almost as tall as rose!"

"Language Amythest. But yes this thing looks very heavy and tall. I think it might be the one that pried open the door."

"Well it does look like the only one that's strong enough here, unless there's an even bigger badder not around here. And no I will not stop using those words."

"Ugh fine just help me find something to identify it and take a look at those weapons."

"Shouldn't we do something about he dead people. It feels wrong to just leave them here."

"We will worry about that later Amythest." Pearl did a once over and only found the same eagle painted over the right shoulder plate that they found on the outside, and a number on the left breastplate.

"009, is that a production number? You have any ideas Amythest." The gem in question shrugged in response.

Just then it's hand twitched and Pearl looked into the eye. It jumped up and put her into a strangle hold and held his combat knife to her throat.

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