Operation missing Quartz

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Quasar and Will were in his room in the temple. More specifically the large training grounds that were built into the lower level.

"Alright time for the test of agility." Said the Spartan as he watched an excited Quasar.

He and Quasar have been testing the marble robots that come from Homeworld for the last few days. It didn't take them very long with pearls help to understand it. Quasar was able to quickly hack into and control all of the systems of multiple robots at the time.
But due to Quasar's want for a body to walk in they quickly took some of them apart and went to work on making him a body using on of them.

So far they had been testing the third iteration of said body. It still retained the marbles size and shape. But the metal/stone the robot was made of was replaced with Titanium A. The panels of metal combined into an angular sphere. It had a large 'eye' an the front that functioned as a camera and laser emitter. At a full charge it could have a third the power of a Spartan Laser.

On the top was a small indent where a halo projector was mounted for him to display his avatar. The four stubby legs of the old one were made of Titanium and strengthened. They were thicker and stronger then the old ones. While retaining their ability to remain separate from the main body.

And like the original there was a small door under the eye that could open to spray the pearlescent white goop.

But right now the AI was dodging a machine gun turret on the ceiling. The AI dodged the bullets that flew at it with ease. The pistol rounds harmlessly hit the Titanium walls of the room. Quasar then jumped and landed on a platform where he charged his laser emitter. He then jumped off the platform and fired at the turret. There was a large hole melted into the steel of it's body, rendering it useless.

"Agility test over. Now onto the last one." Said will.

Quasar's Avatar appeared out of the top of the robot. "Man this is awesome. It feels so good to move around on my own. While also retaining the ability to jump into computers." He said with a wide smile on his face.

He smiled at the happy AI. It felt good to give his best friend the freedom he wanted. The shell of the robot was actually holding up rather well. The metal was barely even scrapped.

"Alright, time to test the tools repairing abilities." He brought out his helmet and chestplate. The helmet had a small crack in the visor while the chestplate had a few large dents from the battles recently.

Quasar then walked over and spread a bit of goop on the visor. The goop hardened and then a few moments later flaked off. The gold visor was restored to practically brand new. The AI then repeated this on the chestplate. Spreading the goop on the various dents. The goop again hardened and flaked off. Leaving the familiar grey of the Titanium that made up the Mjolnir. It would need to be repainted but it repaired it to working order.

"Amazing, these Homeworld Nanobots are able to repair and replicate any material or thing and restore it to working order. We'll have to build something to make more of that goop. But that can wait till later." Said Will as he summoned the rest of his armor.

Quasar followed him out of the training grounds and into his main room. He walked up to his armor stand and stopped on the platform. The various robotic arms reached out and grabbed this chestplate. They undid the bolts that kept it together and separated it. Will held out his arms as the machine out the chestplate back on him and aligned it. The arms then screwed the bolts back in and his armor powered back up when it was finally reconnected to it's micro fusion reactor. He then stepped off the platform and grabbed his helmet out of Quasar's new robotic limbs. He slid it back into his head and let the robot situate itself into it new place on the back of his chestplate. He added a part on the middle of his back late that his new body could slot itself into and transfer his programming through the armor and back into his chip.

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