Chapter 46

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Taehyung was quiet the entire time as they walk, while Risa has been in a strangely good mood the entire 5-minute walk from the hall towards the lift. Both of them stood side by side as they wait patiently, awkward silence with only the sound of the faint background jazz music filling the air.

"We need to talk", Taehyung said as they walked into the lift. "We are not going up to our rooms yet"

"We are not?", shrieking a little, she turns to look at Taehyung with big confused eyes. "Where are we going?"

"Getting ice cream"


Both of them end up at a convenient store 3-minute walk from the hotel. Risa couldn't believe she is actually in a convenient store, in a dress. A freaking ballroom dress at 10 p.m. and with Taehyung, whom are still in his perfect suit. Letting out a sigh, she sways her feet feeling the sudden sore at the ball of her feet due to the long walk in heels. She turns to look at Taehyung getting the ice cream from the counter, looking so out of place in that tailored suit.

This guy is unbelievable at times.

Removing her heels slowly, she placed it neatly at the side before folding her legs together. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she feels more relaxed in that sitting position.

"Here", Taehyung's voiced made her jump a little.

"Thank you", taking the ice cream from his hand, she gently brings it closer to her as her eyes watches Taehyung taking the seat beside her.

"Thank you", taking the ice cream from his hand, she gently brings it closer to her as her eyes watches Taehyung taking the seat beside her

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Taehyung saw the heels and he realized that Risa is actually sitting with his legs folded. He laughed a little but then decided not to comment on that.

"What is that you want to talk about?"

"I just realized I know nothing about you", he said monotonously


Taehyung chuckles lightly at her short reply, watching her licking the ice cream in a such adorable manner.

Wait, what Taehyung?

"I didn't know you can speak Japanese", he said. "What else do I need to know about you?"

"Ask me", she replied

"I don't know where to start, for real. I literally got so tongue tied when I heard you speaking Japanese. My brain just...stopped"

"Japanese is my first language, Mister Kim. I am half Japanese and half Korean. My mom is of Korean and Japanese blood, while my father is a pure Japanese. That explains my fluency in both languages", she paused. "I was born here. In Tokyo"

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